• #2
Are the cables properly adjusted? I read somewhere that by far the most common source of problems with SA IGH's is shift cable issues.
• #3
Yeah, I tried the basics but it even does it with the indicator rod disconnected.
• #4
do you have all the pawl springs on and working properly? their fiddly little buggers, seem to recall they can cause it
• #5
Yup, all present and correct. To me it sounds like the clutch is not engaging on the pinion pins, but I replaced the spring and I can’t think why it wouldn’t engage.
Only one thing left to do - call Ninon from Bicycle Workshop.
Got an issue with a X-RD3 hub that will not stay in 3rd gear, and is rattling between 2nd and 3rd. All looks good inside - axle is straight, nothing unduly worn. Have replaced the clutch and clutch spring to no avail. Pinion pins seem fine. Had it apart 4 times now and have run out of ideas. Anyone?