• #2
All I know about this is from watching the Ertzui documentary they made about a group of the Specialized riders/designers who raced it a couple of years ago. I remember the film being pretty inspiring stuff, if you haven't seen it it should be available online somewhere?
I'm starting a 2 year masters degree soon with a whole semester in Sweden and I finish in July 2020 also after completing two long tours of 6500km and 3000km this year this is actually something I would seriously consider doing when it does come around!
• #3
Thinking of signing up for this next year, anyone else?
• #4
Keep in mind that the first 1000k or so is along the E45, not to most inspiring road to be honest. And no shoulder as well. I've done it in a car. That said I have signed up, hoping to be able to squeeze it in between family duties....
• #5
Yeah having driven the route a couple of times, it's perhaps not the most exciting road at times.
Be prepared for loong flats and trees, trees and a couple more trees.
Is does have some highlights. But if i were to cycle the length of sweden, it would be crossing in and out of norway, or along the coast. Don't let me discourage you from signing up though. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Does anyone know anything about this? Any experience?
Other than this which I copied from here:
Next Length of Sweden will be held in july 2020.
Length of Sweden Sverigetempot (LoSS) is a long distance endurance cycle event from the north of Sweden to the south of Sweden. Randonneurs Sverige is organising the event in cooperation with CK Distans. LoSS is sanctioned by les Randonneurs Mondiaux.
The starting point is situated 300 km north of the Arctic circle. The riders will get the opportunity to ride their bikes in the midnight sun during the first night of the ride.
The ride is held in the randonné style. The riders are expected to be able to ride their bikes for several days and nights with minimal support and service.
Any thoughts please or if there’s a thread that I’ve missed that I could be directed to, I can delete this one.