• #2
Have a look at kuranda, we have used a few of their systems on vehicles and we are currently experimenting with the Victron system to provide alternative mains power. Brett the guy behind it is super helpful and knowledgeable.
• #3
I emailed them, no reply. Is it a one man band who may be on holiday, or are they a bit shit at replying to sales inquiries?
• #4
Looks to me like these would work, as long as “weatherproof” is actually true?
• #5
I think it’s a one man band, give him a call he’s heavily involved in the boating scene.
• #6
We have had a more complex system from him working for the last 5years without issue.
• #7
Called, ordered this: https://www.kuranda.co.uk/20w-solar-panel-sfp020ma-solar-technology
Chap who answered the phone said this is all I need to keep the battery topped up over winter, and that I could simply bond it to the roof.
I might just use double sided VHB tape to stick it on the roof, as (if I can find it!) I have a roll kicking about.
I leave my car in the garage for weeks at a time, I'd like to keep it on a trickle charger, there is no power to the garage.
What if I were to put a panel on the roof and plug the car into that?
An easy way to do this would be to get a kit like this: https://www.sunshinesolar.co.uk/prodshow/150W___12V_Off_Grid_Solar_Kit___300W_Power_Inverter_/PK150312.html
But is that the best way? It's also moderately spendy.