• #2
If your spokes are breaking frequently, there is something wrong and it isn't which way round the wheel is in the bike. Unless the drive side has been radially laced, which would be funny.
• #3
I broke three at the head of the spoke over time, I didn't notice until I actually felt the third one go.
LBS attempted to get a tight lockring off anticlockwise, breaking two non-driveside ones.
• #4
Oh and I'm oversized :-D
• #5
My guess is you have low quality spokes and the spoke bend is too tight for the thickness of the hub and/or the hub flange isn't chamfered. The spoke head should bear on the flange but the bend should not come in to contact with it.
A knowledgeable wheelbuilder will firstly advise you as to whether the spoke count is suitable for your usage and weight.
If I've broken three drive side spokes and I replace them, am I better to change the sprocket to the side I didn't break or to keep it on the same side? Fairly basic question I know