• #2
Part of Quietway 5 I guess.
• #3
Yes - should be a nicer alternative to CS7 when you are not in a rush.
There were some cones out under the tunnels yesterday so it looks like things are happening.
• #4
Progress is being made at a glacial pace.
They've installed some slightly odd lights and some very nice pavements on Carlisle Lane* but it's been hard to see much other forward movement.
But signs are now out to warm traffic about future disruption on Westminster bridge road so presumably some of the heavy lifting will be started shortly - work under the main bridge it's scheduled to start on Jan 22nd followed by Lambeth North junction in May.
*Immediately hidden by gallons of pigeon poo.
• #5
Upper Marsh to Lower Marsh now has a proper cycle crossing! Only got a quick look as we were passing through, but it's much nicer than I expected.
London's Register of roadworks has this:
Baylis Road - Excavate and remove kerb line. Relocate street furniture. Contruct new separated cycle lane. Install new traffic signals. Resurface carriageway.
Westminster bridge - Realigned kerb, footway renewal, c'way raised, rearranged signalised ped crossing.
Carlisle Lane / Upper Marsh - Repave footway and c'way to flush level, reverse direction of flow.
Seems to be part of some bigger changes to the area around Lambeth North Station to make it more cycle / pedestrian friendly.