• #2
I'm selling something similar on eBay at the moment: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162301117773?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
• #3
oooo - do you know the frame size?
• #4
Not off the top of my head. I can check tomorrow morning though. I have been offered £100 by a bidder on eBay, but he hasn't confirmed yet.
• #5
51cm (20 inches), so probably a bit large for what you wanted
• #6
oh yeah, I am a tiny 5 foot 1 person. 20" is too big on a road bike let alone an mtb.
Good luck with the sale :)
I saw a muddy fox mixte on ebay a few years ago. Thought it would make a fun bike but didn't get it because I had too many bikes (apparently).
Regretted that ever since. It's a long shot but has anyone got one to sell? Full bike or just the frame, max 16" but smaller even better.
Link to a nice example here - http://forums.mtbr.com/vintage-retro-classic/womens-vrc-bikes-666820.html#post7525561 - but I'd take a ratty one too.