• #3
we already went ahead and imported all the Stats19 data but haven't yet looked into data from the Met or TfL directly... but we will do!
we already went ahead and imported all the Stats19 data but haven't yet looked into data from the Met or TfL directly... but we will do!
Firstly: moderators please do move this elsewhere if you think it's inappropriately posted here. Right, on with the show...
TLDR: If you report your accidents and near misses to http://collideosco.pe. We will do our best to make sure that local councils, central government, infrastructure planners, the police and the NHS can use this information to improve cycle-safety for cyclists across the UK.
Last October we launched http://collideosco.pe a project that aims to provide an complimentary source of data to Stats19 concerning cycle-related accidents and to extend this to include near misses as a type of 'early warning' system for those who are interested in cycle-safety but find the existing information difficult to use.
We had a grand old time, Alex Dowsett and Jon Snow helped us launch the site with our first sponsor. Four months on and we've been awarded some funding from TfL to improve the site. This means that we can work on it both technically and from a marketing perspective (long story short this is a pro-bono project that needs funding to support it long term), something that we've needed to do since launch. To a certain degree this is a marketing exercise and a call for your help.
The site hasn't seen the kind of traffic that we were hoping, this is in no small part down to a lack of marketing which we're now addressing but the site doesn't work without the kind of scale or reports that we collect on some of our sites (fixmystreet.com for example). That's where you come in. We want to know about your accidents. Why? Because we will ensure that your report is sent to your local council and that it is used by groups who need it to get a better picture of the true state of cycle safety in the UK.