• #2
Try contacting them anyway. Delete this thread or make it private first.
• #3
I think I´ll do that. But I´ll keep the thread open so that I can post any news.
• #4
Is it locked shut i.e., is the shackle in the lock body, or are they separate? If it's a newish lock then definitely contact Onguard or the shop you bought it from. However... I had a slightly similar problem with an old Abus D-lock so I may as well share here in case it's useful:
I opened the lock but then couldn't get the shackle back in. I could insert and remove the key, but couldn't turn it (like you, I tried WD40, hammering, pliers etc.). Eventually, by sheer luck, I worked out what had happened. The lock body is made of layers of metal sandwiched together. One layer had slipped relative to the rest and was obstructing, low down, the hole where the shackle went in and also preventing the lock cylinder from turning. I pushed it back into place and the lock instantly started working again.
So, if you can have a poke around in the lock body and check for something similar. Good luck!
• #5
No luck for the moment. I´ve contacted Onguard via their website, but it´s only for the US distributor. So I´ve been told to contact the UK distributor.
• #6
Well, after trying to get in touch with UK (and whole Europe) Onguard distributor seem that they're ignoring me.
• #7
Copy-paste of an updated version of the whole story:
*After a week of my first mail, I received a quite rude response asking me to mail the lock to the UK distributor (whose adress I didn´t know). Just after that, I received a quite more polite mail from a different member of the staff asking me to upload a video showing the issue and to send them back the lock so that they could analyze what was going on with it. Besides, they offered me a brand new lock for free when I had sent them broken one.
Everything seemed nice except that the cost of sending back the lock was more than the half of purchasing a brand new one. That would mean that at the end I would have paid an extra +50% for an Onguard Brute LS 8000.
Obviously I couldn´t accept the deal, so I sent them an email on the 25/03/14 and today (29/04/14), I´m still waiting for their response.*
And this is the video I made: Stuck key on a brand new Onguard Brute lock - YouTube
Well, the other day the key of my main lock (Onguard Brute LS 8000) got stuck inside it. After trying to remove it several times I got frustrated and had to come back home with a new key chain.
The most disappointing thing is that the lock is almost new and it has less than a month of use. In fact the locking-unlocking mechanism works perfectly fine, but it's absolutely impossible to remove the key.
I've tried spraying WD40 inside, hammering and turning the key thousands of times, but nothing has worked yet.
Any suggestions or recommendations? Could a locksmith repair it for less than the price of the lock?
Unfortunately I don't have any warranty on it because although it was brand new, I bought it from a particular and out of the UK.