• #2
GXP bottom bracket? Taking the cranks off the bike is a 2 minute job with this system.
• #3
far less likely to slip using the double allen key bolts than with a screwdriver, hold they rear one solid and rotate the front one. If you're that worried maybe tape up the allen key? or as krankers said, remove the cranks.
• #4
Thanks both. Yes, removing the cranks is a great shout. I am stupid!
I went to service my omnomnoms yesterday only to discover that the bolts they ship with aren't the typical ones where the back side of the bolt has a slot in it (so you can use a screwdriver to brace it from the rear and an allen key to unsrew the front half of the bolt).
Instead it is just a smaller allen key and I'm worried about scratching the shit out of my frame with keys on either side if I slip.
Anyone had any issues with removing the bolts and have any tips? I don't have a workstand at the moment which is limiting me.