• #2
one of these Problem Solvers Cable Doubler 2:1 two levers and one brake: Amazon.co.uk: Sports & Outdoors
though I'm sure there's cheaper options
• #3
Dron did something clever with (from memory) a BMX cable part, it's in his Pompetamine thread.
• #4
Fairly certain I spotted that red bike on Newington Causeway in the week.
Ack, don't want to spend a lot, so just getting the left lever to stay put will be fine.
^Those SRAM levers look nicer than what I had in mind (http://www.kinokocycles.com/rl340-aero-levers-black-black.html) - can i get an ID on them?
• #6
Ignore me. In stock and on sale at evans m.evanscycles.com/products/sram/500-single-speed-drop-bar-brake-lever-set-ec045632
• #7
just peel back the hood cover, black electrical tape around the top of the lever and the hood then return the hood cover to cover up most of the tape, this'll give you a clean look and hold the lever in place.
• #8
Thanks bmx_fred, makes sense.
• #9
but why... ?
• #10
if your frame's not drilled for a rear brake, or you just want to run a front brake, with the aesthetics and practicality of two levers. Also, those sram levers don't have return springs so they will flap about and make annoying noises if they're not taped back or connected to a brake
• #11
Yes - that's exactly why. Here is the bike it's for: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/220068_10151033429539355_92301433_o.jpg
• #12
are those syntace stratos bars?
• #13
Nope - they are Nitto: www.hubjub.co.uk/index.php/store/handle-bars/rb-002-detail
• #14
Shimano 600 levers have return springs, if that helps, see page 2 of 'shiny bits' on Current Projects to see what they look like.
Noob question - How do I set up a road cockpit with drop levers that both pull a single front brake? Is a special caliper required?
If I just have one lever pulling the brake, is there a discreet, elegant method that will keep the other lever from flapping around? Have seen cable ties implemented but that's a bit ugly and gets in the way of riding on the hoods.