• #2
My eyes are looking around all shifty like as we speak.
• #3
Makes me want to set up a 'sting' and catch the feckers.
• #4
+1 will keep eyes out. Might be time to glue ball bearings into all hex heads London style.
• #5
Thinking on this, I'm gonna "chain in innertube" style secure my Brooks to my frame - make it more awkward for the fuckers if they want it.
Got plenty of old chain/tubes so for forum types in mcr I'll knock up more until I run out - free or forum donation if u feel generous. Can help attach too for those w/o chain tool.
pm if interested fcfs.
I know it's unlikely, but just in case:
Girlfriend had a Brooks saddle stolen off a Dutch style bike tonight in the Northern Quarter.
It was a Limited edition ladies brooks saddle . Wide, burgundy brown leather. Floral patterned with springs.
Like this one http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/af/0c/bb/af0cbbac31c727f310372e1670a895bb.jpg
If anyone comes across one for sale that seems a bit dodgy, I'd appreciate a heads-up.
Otherwise, just watch out for your own bikes I guess, some turd is on the prowl.