• #2
English threaded freewheels (Oft marked A1 on the biggest sprocket) will fit Italian threaded hubs but whence you've done it, it might be tricky going back and forth to an Italian threaded freewheel as you'll be changing the angle of the threads each time.
Personally I slap copper grease on the threads, no way will it ever stick come rain or shine & might help getting the interchangeability, personally I'd stick to one type & be done.
I've no longer any close ratio freewheels (I had a boxful of NOS regina Corsa's I gave away for a tenner each some years back) so the best I could offer now is a good order mid range Suntour 13-24 6 speed.
You might want to pop over onto Retrobike, they'll be loads of offerings I would think.
Actually here's A dura ace going for not much in Hungary £13 + about £8 post
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shimano-Dura-Ace-FA-110-First-Generation-6speed-Freewheel-13-21-Japan-Cog-/151072601875?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item232ca0f713#ht_1333wt_1394 -
• #3
I have a Regina Extra 16 -21 excellent, £22 posted
any good?
or I have a Sachs 13-21 fitted to a bike, I can swap off the wheel, same price
3 Attachments
Hi Guys - I need a freewheel for a build I am doing. Looking for a higher end 70s freewheel, in relatively close ratio - something like 12-18 or 14-20.
Regina, Mailard, or higher end sun-tour would be ideal.
Obviously prefer good condition, but does not have to be NOS.
Someone must have one of these knocking about for a fair price ;)
Also - As a point of clarification - Campy record hub, marked as Italian threaded, but Sheldon says ISO/British/Italian freewheels are interchangeable, but there is a difference in thread angle... Not particularly keen to goose it on first turn of the pedals... Anyone know what is what in this regard?
What have ye?!!