• #2
Hey mate, they have them for sale here
Or you could email BMW like I did.
• #3
TFG said that BMW have closed shop apparently??
• #4
Well I've been in email contact and they have some left, also said the raw colour was 'currently' out of stock so I'm guessing they'll make more.
• #5
Ah ok, fair enough. Have you managed to source one yet then? I'm still chasing BMW for some decals..
• #6
Yeah man, I hope to put a deposit down on it tonight while I wait for my cheque to arrive.
• #7
Nice one, good going. How come you suddenly got the urge? What colour you go for and what build you thinking of doing?
• #8
I've had the itch for ages but the fact that they're hard to get now and that everyone else wants one or snaps it up before I can I figure I may as well get it while I've got the money.
I really wanted a raw one with orange decals but I went for the red one with black decals, it'll get stripped once the paint's worn though.
Also I should add that I wanted a fixed mtb/cross bike as I'm thinning down to a 2 bike stable I need tow flexible bikes so my Seta takes long ride and track duties and this will be for off roading, commuting and less formal rides
• #9
Good thinking, they'll probably become even harder to find than they were before I reckon. My bro just got his one stripped and a kind of matt gun metal grey powdercoated, looks awesome. He had a toss up btwn raw or that but Armourtex recommended he get a proper powdercoat for longevity.
It'll perform brilliant for what you're thinking, they're great bikes.. -
• #10
Yeah, I know that Eamesy got his done in 'steel 41' and that looks great.
I'm sure it'll be great to throw about town and around hampstead heath.
I desperately want one and I would be glad if anybody wants to sell :) Any color, any condition, good money!