• #2
So the parts:
c-record delta brakes, 2nd gen I believe, complete with good original pads.
Sold!Concorde panto'ed 'set', I will sell this as a set
sold2 NOS sugino rings
- 51t & 49t
- 144bcd (so could go on trackcranks)
- Can sell these separate, 15 pounds each
49t sold!
- 51t & 49t
• #3
c-record chainset
Sold!Campagnolo Victory chainset
Sold!NOS Record 8spd cassette, old type.
soldNOS c-record shifters
sold! -
• #4
Double post, sorry.
• #5
Michelin Pro grip tyre
- Crazy colour, got only one
- 15 pounds
Black Cinelli 1A stem
- 110mm
- Condition above insertionmark is okay
- 25 pounds
Kalloy cheap quillstem
-100mmDia Compe brake-set
SoldShimano 600 tricolore crank and pedals:
SoldWhite original Turbo seat
Sold!Selcof 27,2 aero seatpost
Sold! - Crazy colour, got only one
• #6
That's it for now, all prices are including postage and negotiation is possible.
Jan -
• #7
dibs the 49t sugino chainring for 15 squids. PM'd
• #8
49t sugino ring is sold.
• #9
Dia Compe brakeset sold!
• #10
Shimano 600 pedals also sold!
• #11
dibs on the Concorde set.
• #12
Concorde set is still available!
• #13
Pm'd about NOS Record 8spd cassette, old type
• #14
8spd cassette sold!
• #15
Beautiful !
And I think the Deltas are 3rd generation
• #16
Why do you think so?
• #17
They are the same like 4th and 5th generation Deltas. The 2nd generation Deltas don't have the two rubber rings on the cable adjuster IMO (this is how the cable adjuster of 2nd generation Delta looks like:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/vintage-NOS-campagnolo-delta-brakes-2nd-generation-spare-parts-very-rare-/221085966576?pt=UK_sportsleisure_cycling_bikeparts_SR&hash=item3379c020f0).
I am not saying that it is bad or something, just pointed it out.
I have the exactle the same set, and it is wonderful, but I am pretty sure they are 3rd gen.
BTW, good price on them!Sorry to interrupt, nuts
• #18
How long are the cranks?
• #19
No problem mate, I like to learn some new stuff haha!
Which cranks you mean Tommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
Shimano 600 are 170
Campa c-record 172,5
Campa victory 170 -
• #20
Ah yeah, I was referring to the Shimano ones, couldn't you tell?
I may be interested, but I won't know till Friday.
• #21
Haha no problem at all mate, I've got enough time haha. Let me know :)
• #22
Id like the NOS c-record shifters if you will ship
• #23
Edit: can't pm you yet, but I'm willing to ship mate.
To the UK, or elsewhere? -
• #24
I've got enough time mate, we'll talk tomorrow :)
• #25
Shifters still available, Shipping to the US will be too expensive, I'm sorry.
So we are trying to clean up a bit. I'll edit this thread every time I have some new stuff, all prices are including postage from the Netherlands!
If you're interested in one or more parts, please PM me for questions or more specific photo's, I'm also open for offers, as its hard to ask a good price for everything.
So here we go: