• #2
P clips!!! some LBS!!! :)
• #3
Or just use cable ties ... Cheaper, lighter (!) and don't work loose
• #4
Available for a tidy sum on flea bay- search on mudguards
I got some, but was gobsmacked at the price, but they did job- silly me for losing the originals :-(
• #5
Bless you, Chris Gee. Now I'll be able to cycle in the rain again. Joy!
• #6
Actually, i don't think they are what I need. Bugger. I'll get a photo, I'm obviously never going to be able to adequately explain what I'm after.
I'm not even sure what these things are called. I recently bought some mid-eighties mudguards, not realising they were missing some pieces. I need the small, thingy-whatsits that go on the end of the stays to attach them to the frame. None of the LBS's near me have any.
Can anyone help me?
Can anyone at least tell me what these things are called so I can stop looking like a fool?
Cheers, Tom