• #2
What a complete bunch of black shirted ****
• #3
• #4
How do these people sleep at night?
• #5
What is interesting is that whilst the Daily Mail's writers, editorial staff and readers all bemoan "the England of today" and go on and on and on about what is wrong with it they are totally blind to the fact that they are the problem with England today.
• #6
Rename thread "Daily Heil", surely?
• #7
...a record 150,000 free condoms... means there will be 50 per cent more ... than the 100,000 handed out at the last Olympics in Beijing in 2008.
Daily Fail obviously know the average IQ of their readership and feel it neccesary to spell out how 150,000 is 50% more than 100,000.
• #8
We got our first medal, courtesy of cyclist Lizzie Armitstead. What an utter darling. According to commentators, she had ‘fresh legs in good shape’, which she used to batter heroically through a torrential rainstorm, only to come second to** some bitch from Holland**.
Fucking hell, I know she has form and this is all part of her evil witch act but FFS, that's probably one of the best all-round cyclists currently racing she's referring to there.
Though I don't know what I was expecting from an article titled "What has happened to Sharon Davies' face" tbh.
• #9
Don't read it. It's for plebs. You're only encouraging them. It's trolling on an epic scale.
• #10
epic troll is epic!
• #11
Jan Moir commutes to the office:
• #12
I knew I was being trolled and yet I still reacted, she's a genius.
I'm sure she must get a per complaint bonus from the DM.
• #13
England lol
Daily Mail have been at it again.
Their commentary on the Olympic opening ceremony read: