Finally bought myself adecent D-lock so I can wave good bye to my beloved chainlock.
It's a beast in more weighs than one. Weighs a fair bit but is solid as rock. I've left my bike chained up outside mile end station over night before and it was still there in the morning! All of it! It's also survived for 4hours outside mile end leisure centre which appears to be a hot bed of bike theft and criminality.
It's the same as this but obviously not new, however is still in perfect working order and comes with all the keys.
In all seriousness it's a good lock if you can leave it some where but becomes a bit of drag if you're commuting with it.
This lightweight, sleek and fashionable security devise can be yours for the poultry sum of £15.
Collection preferred but will by pigeon for 100 dorrah.
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Finally bought myself adecent D-lock so I can wave good bye to my beloved chainlock.
It's a beast in more weighs than one. Weighs a fair bit but is solid as rock. I've left my bike chained up outside mile end station over night before and it was still there in the morning! All of it! It's also survived for 4hours outside mile end leisure centre which appears to be a hot bed of bike theft and criminality.
It's the same as this but obviously not new, however is still in perfect working order and comes with all the keys.
In all seriousness it's a good lock if you can leave it some where but becomes a bit of drag if you're commuting with it.
This lightweight, sleek and fashionable security devise can be yours for the poultry sum of £15.
Collection preferred but will by pigeon for 100 dorrah.