• #2
dibs for friend pmd
• #3
2nd dibs if Apolloxl pulls out
• #4
starfish yu haz PM
• #5
3rd dibs, and i promise to turn it into an awesome cargo bike
• #6
4th dibs for friend (i have 1 like it and my friend loves it haha :p he wants to buy mine of me but it has sentimental value)
• #7
haven't heard back to PM yet, but 1st dibs still stands
• #8
5th dibs!
• #9
sent another PM stil no reply.
• #10
6th dibs?
• #11
• #12
Blah! Couldn't care less about the dibs crap. The bike goes to the first person to take it off my hands in the real world. Not the first person to write something the interwebz.
OK so seeing as the last person who was going to get it didn't turn up, it's on offer again. Taking it means you can come to Laburnum street which is off Kingsland Road today, Wednesday the 4th of July, and to be here before 19pm. I keep this bike at work, not at home, hence the time constraint.
• #13
Blah! Couldn't care less about the dibs crap. The bike goes to the first person to take it off my hands in the real world. Not the first person to write something the interwebz.
OK so seeing as the last person who was going to get it didn't turn up, it's on offer again. Taking it means you can come to Laburnum street which is off Kingsland Road today, Wednesday the 4th of July, and to be here before 19pm. I keep this bike at work, not at home, hence the time constraint.you kiddin me?
from near Kingsland Road.
you waned us to stroll up and down Kingsland road until we spotted you with the bike?dibs for friend pmd
starfish yu haz PM
haven't heard back to PM yet, but 1st dibs still stands
I PMd you twice, no reply, and you didnt provide any other contact details.
nerged and undibs
• #14
As said before, some people think dibs is shit.
Either way, apollo was the third person to actually respond about the bike. The other two wrote me nice friendly PMs, much in the keeping with the general spirit of the forum. Apollo wrote a rude, passive agressive PM I chose to ignore.
Not saying people have to kneel down in gratitude, but if I am giving away a bike I don't think it is too much to ask for someone to be just a bit nice about it.
• #15
rude, passive agressive PM
hmm, sorry if it came across that way, but from memory, I just reconfirmed my dibs and asked if it was at all in rideable condition...passive agressive
You need to do your homework... Passive aggressive behavior can manifest itself as amongs other things, deliberate failure to accomplish tasks for which one is responsible.Like replying to a PM.
I.e. you.
• #16
Bike picked up and gone.
I stopped freecycling on gumtree a while ago as because of all the muppets who just claimed my stuff, then never made a serious effort to pick it up. People kept moving dates and missing appoinments etc. So my place was as cluttered as before, but now with clutter that complete strangers considered their property just because they had claimed it ten seconds after I posted it online.
Same shite seems to be happening here as well so from now on you can look for bike parts in the bin outside my house.....
• #17
Dibs bin
Can you post to Leeds?
• #18
LOL!.... I love it when the newbs throw their toys out of the pram because of all this dibs crap.
S&C can give the bike to whoever he damn well pleases.... no need to get all shirty! -
• #19
^^^^^ exatly that dibs is for school boys means nothing,money talks,and all this dibs will pm later bullshit.
• #20
lol@ dibs bin
I need to give away my lovely pink shopper bike. After some use it does look a bit more busted than when I took this photo, but the colour is fully intact.
The catch here is that the rear wheel is fairly busted and loose spokes has punctured the tyres. The Stumley Archer hub is not doing too well either. This means that the cost and effort of fixing the wheel might be more than just buying a used shopper off gumtree.
However, I suggest is you take this for the colour alone, then replace dodgy back wheel with wheel from another shopper bike.
Ideally pick up Wednesday this week from near Kingsland Road.