• #2
I'd be interested in one race and one cone for a Nuovo Tipo rear or failing that, a replacement 36 hole low flange Nuovo Tipo rear with good bearings (sans skewer).
• #3
Perfect timing!
I need....
record (or any) QR rear axle + 2x cones for record rear + bearings 126mm spacing.
record rear bearing race cover (the thing with the grease port in it), possibly just one.Used stuff is fine, not bothered about NOS for this stuff.
Also don't happen to have 2x QR nut, the type with the D clip on them going spare? My record hubs came with tipo QR nuts, just looking for the right ends (merely because I like them). -
• #4
Hi, I need a rear chorus cone and a rear record QR axle (126 mm rear spacing on the frame) + one record cone and washer with the little tooth in it. If you have the ball bearings for these two hubs I'd like a set for each as well. Used good condition is fine. Shipped to the northern edge of the world, i.e. Sweden. I'll PM you my details. Thanks!
• #5
Single front & rear hubs now added.
• #6
All photos now uploaded. Also, found another set of 36h Tipo with 130mm rear spacing.
• #7
Price drops on all hubs.
• #8
Any idea of the threading on the Gipiemme track hub locking wise? Campag or normal? Cheeeeeers...
• #9
Hey Chris, the threading is ISO - 1.375 x 24 TPI. Takes a standard lockring.
• #10
Back of the net.
Thanks. -
• #11
I'm interested in some dust caps for my Campagnolo Record rear hub.
• #12
big collections of campy,so interesting
• #13
Still have quite a few of these hubs left. 10% off all the above prices.
• #14
Still interested in dust caps for this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zgstevens/6802854168/
Don't know the exact year/type. But maybe you can tell me more. -
• #15
These are the ones:
- Chrome dust covers for Record hubs - £3.50 each NOS
They fit Record Pista hubs like yours and Strada ones too.
- Chrome dust covers for Record hubs - £3.50 each NOS
• #16
Great! One pair of 'em please. I'll pm you.
• #17
Hi, Do you still have the Record Low Flange 28h set available?
If so, how do I pay you the 65 Pounds? Via PayPal would be great (you would need to add the cost of shipping to South Africa!)
Gino -
• #18
Do you still have chrome dust covers for sale?
• #19
Any chrome dust covers left & cones for record hubs?
• #20
I know this thread is old, but, I am looking for new cones for my nuovo tipo front hub and wondered if you had any left. thanks
• #21
Wayne now sells most his stuff through his shop... http://www.pedalpedlar.co.uk
Hi all,
I have loads of hubs and hub spares for sale. They're mainly Campagnolo but there are also a few non-Campag single hubs up for grabs too.
All hubs are graded cosmetically 1st then condition of bearings/races 2nd (eg: OK/GOOD = OK comestically / Bearings/races are good but not perfect). Any bearings/races marked as GOOD will be fine but could do with re-packing with grease. Any bearings/races marked as OK will have some pitting. All of these hubs are still very useable though, even ones marked as OK only have minor pitting.
Pairs (Road):
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £45
Cosmetically: Front GOOD, Rear OK.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 122mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/ANuovoTipo36h50?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £50
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: EXC. OLD: 124mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/BNuovoTipo36h55?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £40
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: Front is VGC, Rear has a little bit of pitting. OLD: 116mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/DNuovoTipo36h45?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32h (inc. skewers) - £85 SOLD
Cosmetically: MINT.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 120mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/FNuovoTipoIncSkewers32h90?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32/40h (inc. skewers) - PRICE DROP £90
Cosmetically: MINT (but with a couple of weathered dust caps).
Bearings: EX. OLD: 124mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GNuovoTipoIncSkewers324095?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 32/40h - PRICE DROP £55
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 118mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/JNuovoTipo324060?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Nuovo Tipo 36h - PRICE DROP £45
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: F: EXC, R: GOOD. OLD: 130mm.
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h (inc. skewers) - £110 SOLD But have another set
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 122mm.
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/CRecordHF36h115?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange 32/40h (inc. skewers) - PRICE DROP £115
Cosmetically: VCG/EXC.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 124mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/ERecordHF3240120?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCL7t_5SKgsyiWg&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h - SOLD (£80)
Cosmetically: GOOD.
Bearings: VGC. OLD: 126/128mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/IRecordHF36h80?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKnTvKCyrpv8Cw&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record High Flange c.1960/1961 (No Record logo), Boxed 36h - £150 SOLD
Cosmetically: GOOD for age but weathered.
Bearings: Front EXC, Rear VGC But needs grease. OLD: 120mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/LRecordHF3240BOXED6061150?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Campagnolo Record Low Flange 28h - PRICE DROP £75
Cosmetically: VGC.
Bearings: EX/MINT. OLD: 128mm
Campagnolo Record High Flange 36h, Used but Boxed - PRICE DROP £135
Cosmetically: VGC/EXC
Bearings: EXC. OLD: 126mm
More pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/HRecordLF36hBOXED145?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Front Hubs (Road):
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/VGC (x2) - PRICE DROP £22 / £35 inc. Skewer
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/A2NuovoTipo36hVGCVGCX225?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/A1NuovoTipo36hVGCVGCX2IncSkewer40?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/OK (x3) - PRICE DROP £18
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C1NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C2NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
3 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/C3NuovoTipo36hVGCOKX320?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Nuovo Tipo 36h - EXC/MINT w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £40
Nuovo Tipo 36h - EXC/VGC - PRICE DROP £25
Nuovo Tipo 36h - VGC/OK w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £25
Record 36 - EXC/MINT w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £50
Record 36h - VGC/EXC - No Oil Cover x2 - PRICE DROP £32
1 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GRecord36hVGCEXCNoOilCoverX235?authuser=0&feat=directlink
2 - https://picasaweb.google.com/wayneblenkin/GRecord36hVGCEXCNoOilCoverX235?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Record 32h - VGC/EXC - PRICE DROP £36
Record 36h w) Skewer NOS (New Old Stock) - PRICE DROP £65
Record 1960s High Flange 36h - OK/GOOD - PRICE DROP £30
Record High Flange 36h - EX/VGC w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £55
Record c.1963 High Flange 36h - VGC/GOOD - PRICE DROP £40
Mirage 32h - OK/VGC - PRICE DROP £12
Mirage 32h - VGC/GOOD w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Veloce 32h - VGC/GOOD w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Bianchi (Campag copy) - VGC/VGC w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £18
Shimano 105 - VCG/VGC - PRICE DROP £11
Normandy H/F - GOOD/GOOD - PRICE DROP £11
Rear Hubs (Road & Track)
Record 28h - 122mm OLD - GOOD/EXC - PRICE DROP £38
Record 28h - 126mm OLD - VGC/VGC - PRICE DROP £38
Gipiemme Special Pista - 120 OLD - VGC+/EXC inc. Track Nuts - PRICE DROP £60
Zeus Low Flange 36h - 122mm OLD - VCG/VGC - PRICE DROP £25
Mavic 500/501 - VGC/OK w) Skewer - PRICE DROP £22
Campagnolo Hub Spares
***Campagnolo Track Nuts (State Front or Rear)
Campagnolo Hub Spares
QR Skewers & Parts:
Complete Quick Release Skewers:
***QR Skewers Spares
Skewer (rod only) F or R - each £4 used
End nut (Record/SR Pointed dome with D-Clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC / £6 OK
End nut (NR Round ended dome with D-Clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC / £6 OK
End nut (Nuovo Tipo no clip) - each £8 EX / £7 VGC