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Getting ready for tomorrow nights show
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For anyone interested the March show of the HBFS is tonight and is American Flyers which is proceeded Jakub Ĺwiderek's wonderful short 'Rose Petals on the Path' in which he interviews male and female Northern Irish road cyclists from the 1940's and 50's
The Hackney Bicycle Film Society's February show is Pedal and is next Monday the 13th February
A fast-paced documentary film about surviving in the streets of New York City as a bicycle messenger. It features messengers from all walks of life as they battle traffic in a race to make their next delivery on time. Directed by Peter Sutherland and produced by Ana Lombardo, Pedal the documentary lets viewers live the spectacle of the delivery itself.
Trailer here
All the best
Unless otherwise stated all events occur at
Calthorpe Arms,
252 Grays Inn Road
London WC1x 8JR and start
Prompt at 7:30