• #2
how longs it gonna last for chukker? I will try and get there for this
• #3
I'll talk for about 45 minutes and then have Q&A for about 45 minutes. The time is pretty bad for people with regular jobs, but it is the only time slot they have open this week other than daytime, which I can't do.
• #4
I'll come, along with a friend of mine.
How's it being delivered? Just in the open at the camp?
• #5
Can't make it but would have been there had my circumstances been different.
Are you an academic OP?
• #6
sweet, i should be able to make at least half of it. Would deffo have questions to ask but might keep shtum as the majority there would probably lynch my Conservative ass
• #7
I'll come, along with a friend of mine.
How's it being delivered? Just in the open at the camp?
Cool John (and Ben). I believe they have a large tent for the Tent City University lectures. No powerpoints though!
• #9
Right, good luck with it. If it's filmed I'd be interested to see it.
• #10
Cheers. Will post here if they film it.
• #11
Shit, I have friday off and would love to make this, alas I must go and visit the birth giver.
Good Luck Dude! Hope it goes well.
• #12
@Ben -- Ha. Bring your questions and comments!
hmm ill judge the crowd on the day i think. #genuinelyscared. Might leave questions for the pub though...
• #13
I'm off... Will be there, with vodka for afterwards... Vodka tastes better with revolution...
• #14
will your revolution be dressed in high end, made-by-the-downtrodden-masses streetwear joe?
@taggers: must try harder
• #15
I'm up for this. Any other slackers fancy a knock around before a leisurely roll down?
• #16
I was on the tube today, this was in the Standard.
Awful shite. I wonder if she is actually a protestor, or someone they just got in for a day to do the photo shoot.http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-24004058-the-winter-of-love-radical-chic-dressing.do
• #17
will your revolution be dressed in high end, made-by-the-downtrodden-masses streetwear joe?
@taggers: must try harder
I am the downtrodden masses, Ben...
I'm up for this. Any other slackers fancy a knock around before a leisurely roll down?
Newt is the closest court...
#justsayin -
• #18
^^ Fuck me! There is no limit to the hate I feel for the Evening Standard! Dozy CNUTS!
• #19
I was on the tube today, this was in the Standard.
Awful shite. I wonder if she is actually a protestor, or someone they just got in for a day to do the photo shoot.http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-24004058-the-winter-of-love-radical-chic-dressing.do
ES Magazine is one of the worst publications in the universe.
• #20
Apologies if anyone works on it, but it truly is dreadful.
• #21
I hope this is not spam. I am giving a lecture at Occupy London on Friday at 4:30 at St Paul's on "Inequality and Crisis in Neoliberal Capitalism.**"
**It will be a Marxist analysis of how the neoliberal capitalism (in the UK and US) systematically and necessarily produces inequality and wage stagnation, and how this appears to be the long-term fate of advanced capitalism under globalization and financialization.
I'm sure you're also going to add that it is completely self-defeating to make some people so rich that they only spend a very small portion of their income/wealth and use the rest to increase their wealth, and to make most people so poor that they don't have any spending power to keep the economy going (whose mainstay is, and will always be, basic needs).
I still think that this is only a consequence of 'capitalism' (and I freely confess that I don't think the term is very meaningful) of the extent to which immoral behaviour is built into the theory, and that the vast majority of it is in practice just people doing things that are wrong. I do think, though, that 'economic' theories with an ethical vacuum are still to blame for that vacuum.
My interest in economics is very basic and I'm fairly ignorant about it, but I'm interested in these ethical dimensions.
Good luck with the talk, hope it goes well! I'll try to come along.
• #22
I will come and support
• #23
why so early, 4.30? i'll still be working (for the man). would've liked to hear this
• #24
You never know, the occupation could throw up a nice site for a temporary polo court. If it goes on for as long as Parliament Square, there'd probably be a regular crowd. It's all hardcourt outside St Paul's. :)
• #25
^^^^^^ooh that jumper's only £160, thanks for posting kevin, i'll get me down to Wildfox quicksharp
Hi all,
I hope this is not spam. I am giving a lecture at Occupy London on Friday at 4:30 at St Paul's on "Inequality and Crisis in Neoliberal Capitalism.**"
**It will be a Marxist analysis of how the neoliberal capitalism (in the UK and US) systematically and necessarily produces inequality and wage stagnation, and how this appears to be the long-term fate of advanced capitalism under globalization and financialization.
I thought some of you might be interested. All are welcome.
Dr Chukker