• #2
Twitter is shit
• #3
are you organising a riot or what ?
• #4
A bombing more like. In broad daylight no less.
• #5
A bombing more like. In broad daylight no less.
• #6
Friendly bunch then
• #7
And yea a riot, that's what I was trying to organise, clearly
• #8
I don't think anyone uses twitter. There's a few on facebook though.
• #9
Already a thread for it.
http://www.lfgss.com/thread4533.html -
• #10
I use twitter, but it's more a networking thing for my job than anything personal. Like an informal type of linkedin where I can keep in touch with some industry (wine) friends and colleauges.
It's allowed me to become familiar with critics and senior figures in the London wine trade I would not otherwise have been able to engage with and has certainly helped build my profile.
I know it's wanky, but I've always liked a good wank..
• #11
I use twitter off and on, but I only allow certain people to see my tweets ;)
• #12
...which are wholly uninteresting for the most part!
• #13
I tweet..
• #14
To who?
• #15
...therefore you are?
• #16
To who?
fuck knows
• #18
Oh Brave.
• #19
the shame
• #20
I tweet, unless you have a dog you wouldn't be interested..
• #21
Simple banned or left?
I'm on twitter.
• #22
Simple left. She's Facebook or Twitter only now.
• #23
Pass on my best wishes then. P.s. Your twitter is locked even though we both follow each other? Either that or no tweets?
• #24
Ah, it hasn't alerted me to your follow request... I'll add you now :)
• #25
Oh, have you requested to follow me Andy? I've got no follow request...
Any of you have twitter accounts? Just sometimes on the phone during the day to keep up to date on twitter :)