• #2
Use handbrake: http://handbrake.fr/downloads.php
• #3
Seconded with Handbrake. Overall this is a good guide:
• #4
i haven't done it for years but Mac the Ripper was always good.
Also try get hold of a copy of VLC video player to help with the horrible codec minefield.
• #5
This should answer almost any compression/ripping/burning/conversion issue:
http://www.videohelp.com/dvdbackup -
• #6
Thanks everyone - will the free handbrake work with protected DVD's and will it compress also? I didnt think it could do either
• #7
Tommy Mac - that guide is also easily accesible and quick. Thanks. I can't be bothered to be an expert.
However, it doesn't say, basically, what format to rip to, which is most versatile. I am not fussed about massively high quality. What should I rip it to?
• #8
What a load of retards. Handbrake does not support netbooks....my resolution is too low.
• #9
In what sense?
• #10
I hope you mean the people who make your netbook are retards not the people on the forum who gave you advice....
If you have a netbook then you should really get a better computer and STFU :) or find someone with a more powerful machine to do the ripping and compressing on then just put the final file on it. Or just give up because is it really worth it to watch a stuttering artefacty yoga video on a screen the size of an envelope?
• #11
its an instructional DVD :)
Lynx - handbrake to run requries 1260 by 620
mine is only 600....
and of course handbrake is the retard not you lot! Whats next best?
• #12
I've been using dvdFab - it's pretty simple. Not sure if it's a particularly good one or not
• #13
I just tried DVD Fab, but it seems to take 3 hours. Thats mental isnt it?
• #14
Regardless of whatever program you use, ripping a DVD with a netbook will take fecking ages. Do it on a PC with decent specs.
• #15
Well I spose I only need to do 5, so its ok
Now I have sold my entire CD collection I am planning on doing the same with my DVDs I have. But some of them, such as a couple of yoga ones, I want to keep electronically, as I am becoming nomadic soon and can't carry things about.
What program should I be using for windows? I just did a sucessful burn with DVD shrink, that has made it down to about 2 gig, but theyre still vobs and i want some other format, like a wmv or whatever, with 2 hours bring about 1.4 gig.
Does anyone know how to do this?