• #2
i live about 5 mins from there, have done for 6 months,on strickland street.I work in a bar inSoho, so come home at silly hours of the morning, and to date have had no problems.......
• #3
stonehedge might be able to offer some insight he lives on deptford high street and has lived in the area for years.
I'm just round the corner on the way to blackheath hill but never have much cause to stray from the main roads so can't offer much in experience. I've staggered home along new cross road many a time drunk off my face at silly o'clock without incident though.
• #4
I lived in Brockley not too far from there for a year and I would get the nightbus and walk from Lewisham and New Cross I never had any problems. Its not a bad part from SE
• #5
I lived behind the library, just at the bottom of the shopping precinct for a year.
Absolutely fine, not a whiff of trouble.Friendly folk in the shops and on the market.
• #6
Hey, my girlfriend and I are debating moving to Friendly Street (bottom end) in Lewisham, and although the house is AMAZING, it's opposite the ship housing estate which looks dodgy as fuck.
We lived in Leeds for a long time so I'm used to living in rough areas but I think we've been spoilt by living in Forest Hill for a bit, and have forgotten what it's actually like in SE London.
Has anyone ever lived around there? I would really, really like the house (it has a sun room ffs!) but don't want to get mugged every night.
DougI'm afraid there are dick heads/mentally distrubed/sociopaths as well as decent folk around there- well more Deptford High Street/New Cross Rd. As long you're not hanging around too long during the dark hours and you use your common sense, you should be fine. There quite a lot of students and a growing arty crowd around there so it's not terrible, just be cautious.
• #7
I've lived just off Deptford High St for 6-7 years and neither me or my wife has had any trouble worth mentioning. They have improved the area alot whilst I've been there.
• #8
Live nearby in Brockley. Love the area. Just use your common sense as you would anywhere else in London.
• #9
Friendly Street is in St Johns conservation area, I'd love to live there again.
• #10
Lived round there for years. In Brockley now but cut down Friendly Street all the time to get to Deptford and haven't ever had/seen any problems. There's always the odd weirdo about, but no more than anywhere else in London.
• #12
Like anywhere really- be sensible and you'll be fine.
I lived in Deptford for years- admittedly every now and again I'd cycle past the scene of a shooting (one guy had been shot for the third time- either he was massive, or the gun was very small), but the closest we every came to trouble was when I met BRM outside a pub on the high street- some sort of gang fight erupted around us, but we just stood there watching bemused as it kicked off, and then continued as they all ran off down the street.
Hey, my girlfriend and I are debating moving to Friendly Street (bottom end) in Lewisham, and although the house is AMAZING, it's opposite the ship housing estate which looks dodgy as fuck.
We lived in Leeds for a long time so I'm used to living in rough areas but I think we've been spoilt by living in Forest Hill for a bit, and have forgotten what it's actually like in SE London.
Has anyone ever lived around there? I would really, really like the house (it has a sun room ffs!) but don't want to get mugged every night.