• #2
Link to website?
• #3
Hi Zeb, I was talking to another organiser of Bikefest by email a month (or so) back?
It would be awesome to have hardcourt bike polo at Bikefest, but the initial idea of a closed off section of road (12m x 15m or so, with scaffold board ends) was felt to be less than ideal. Some players may come forward, but unless a suitable court can be found/sourced it's unlikely that many people will want to attend (some individuals felt it could also show hardcourt bike polo in a negative light).
We're keen to do future events in Camden and with more time could probably organise an entire tournament as part of your future events and could source an "ideal" court, etc.
Bikefest sounds like fun and I'll head over to check it out, sorry not to be more positive about the bike polo side of things though.
• #4
(Adam, I'd already put Stefano in touch with Jon.)
That definitely sounds like one worth keeping in mind for next year. The street doesn't seem suitable, so perhaps the Green Fair could be shifted close to a more suitable surface for polo.
The street has only previously been used for the bike try-out track, I think.
• #5
isnt this the same weekend as cambridge swiss rolls?
• #6
Yep, they're the same weekend. Some players will still be in London, but many will now be in Cambridge I expect.
• #7
it may benefit you and us if we moved the cambridge tourney to the next week, especially if you want to attend this event. what do you guys think? we have some logistics issues coming up soon, plus our foxy man won't be there if we do it on the 5th... :(
• #8
I dont think that the bicycle music festival is much of a big deal to the polo players, I'd leave it as the 5th.
• #9
Is everyone going to Cambridge on the 4 and 5th.
It is a great location and a lot of people will be there so having demonstration matchs would spread the word. -
• #10
The London Bicycle Music Festival and Bikefest reminder
The London Bicycle Music Festival and Bikefest happens this weekend in Regents Park as part of the London Greenfair http://www.londongreenfair.org/
There will be a full two days of bicycle powered music and bicycle related interest and fun**On Saturday **the BMF have the following musicians playing
Melissa Serpico
Liam Mulcahy
Talis Kimberly http://www.talis.net/
Victor Menace http://www.myspace.com/victormenaceOn Sunday we have
The Drones www.dronesmusic.net
Poeticat http://www.myspace.com/poeticat
Cumbé http://www.myspace.com/cumbe.musicIn the Bikefest we have
The Bicycle Tournament which will include prizes for Bicycle Jousting, BMX throwing, terrible twins racing and much more
A large Dr Bike session,
A slow Bicycle Race,
Bicycle Maintenance from Hackney Bike Workshop,
Police bicycle marking,
Bicycle Demonstrations from
Druid Cycles
And stalls by the Otesha Project and the London Cycling Campaign
You can contact us at facebook http://facebook.com/london.bicyclemusicfestival
Or e-mail bmflondon@gmail.com -
• #11
Have added pictures from yesterday at http://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/sets/72157626763599829/
I am one of the organisers of the London Bicycle Music Festival and Bikefest and we were wondering if there were any Polo players out there who might do a demonstration match at the Bikefest. We are also having a bicycle jousting tournoment so it could be a good day.
The Bikefest is on the 4-5th June
If you are interested please e-mail me at bmflondon(at)gmail.com