Fixed, and one copies (get yours here)

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  • Yo. So Andy and Gav from Fixed&What just dropped by on their way round the entire country to have a cup of tea and drop off 100 copies of Fixed, and one, its stupidly good, and there's even a polo article in there by me.

    If you want a copy then let me know on here:

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy

    Also I want to get them into shops in Brum too, so can any one volunteer an hour or so of leg work with me sometime this week?


    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster

    Cant help this week but off all next week?!?!?

  • I'll help out kid, probs Thurs morning or sometime Friday.

  • I have Wednesday PM off but have to wait in for a washing machine repair person....

    Opps..(I think i fucked it up)

  • Do you know if these will make their way down to Brighton?

  • They said they went to Brighton this morning, so they're already there. :D They said they will be putting the locations up on the blog soon

  • Thanks for sticking me on the list EMM. I'm about Friday afternoon after lunch if you want to hook up and dish some copies out?

  • Woooiiiiii!

  • Sounds cool Pista/MG friday seems good.

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
  • Nice article, just read it in Issuu.

  • @ Tenderloin If I can get another copy off EMM, I'll post it to you.

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
  • When should I be picking this up?

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
    9. mastershredder
    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
    9. mastershredder
    10. CasaSteve
    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
    9. mastershredder
    10. CasaSteve
    11. 4ndy

    I'm on ma holidays, just let me know when you want help!

  • Tomorrow Andy.

    I just need to know how many to keep back for peeps, then you can get um whenever/where ever. polo/beers/food/critical/my house

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
    9. mastershredder
    10. CasaSteve
    11. 4ndy
    12. Dracula
  • oh shit, i just saw this thread was in birmingham. idiot.

  • where are you Dracula?

  • London / Nottingham!

  • i can post to notts. but better bet would be london*

    *In London you can already pick up a copy at;
    . Look Mum No Hands
    . Tokyo Fixed
    . Brick Lane Bikes
    . LCB Surf/ Snow/ Skate Store
    . Vans, Carnaby Street
    . Howies, Carnaby Street
    . Johnny Cupcakes, Carnaby Street
    . 14 Bike Co. Webshop/ Head Office

  • can you give pista a copy to pass onto me please sir

    1. MG
    2. Neil
    3. Danwentskiing
    4. Pistaboy
    5. Christy
    6. The Tubmaster
    7. Neddos
    8. Thomas
    9. mastershredder
    10. CasaSteve
    11. 4ndy
    12. Dracula
    13. renton
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Fixed, and one copies (get yours here)

Posted by Avatar for EMM @EMM
