• #2
A couple of different types here- http://www.hlloydcycles.com/ListFeb09html.htm
• #4
• #7
bump bump. old, script style nigel dean stickers / decals still sought...
• #8
I am also looking for some Nigel Dean stickers saying "Tour Ace". The script style like you I think... can't see the photo on ebay, they delete them after a while.
Like so...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgwgy1pi27pxmlw/tourace.JPG?mDid you have any luck?
Any one else got any ideas? -
• #9
H Lloyd?
http://www.hlloydcycles.com/pdflistlatest.pdfalways worth a call in case there's new stuff not listed...
• #10
that just looks written in a font called Brush Script:
• #11
these are the ones I want, and have still not got:
Like these that I didn't bid on or win at the weekend but have been looking for on and off for c. 2 years :(
or suggestions as to how to reproduce, considering I don't have the original....
thanks all