• #2
This any good to you Harv
1 Attachment
• #3
Got a fairly rudimentary (but perfectly functional) one you can have for cost of P&P, Steel job so not light and not pretty either to be fair :o)
£3.50 to cover all the postage options?
PM me if of interest -
• #4
do you know what size the clamp is on this and do you reckon it will get around a set of drops? How much too??
This any good to you Harv
• #5
This has a 25.4mm clamp,yes it will get round a set of drop bars (just tried) slacken the allen bolt or remove and price open the clamp to persuade it round,piece of cake.
Actually look good
£15 posted
Cipo -
• #6
You can have the top or bottom stem in this pic for nowt - posted FOC to your door. (middle one has gone)
• #7
Nice one Tel! Can I go for the top one- will pm delivery details
I am after an adjustable quill stem to sort out my position on the Moulton- cheaper better and needs to be posted
many thanks