• #2
I have no idea what Hackney, West London & Covent Garden is like, but Copenhagen is quite small and the 'bad' areas are quite few. In my view it can be divided into:
Copenhagen K (City): Expensive and most likely not an option
Copenhagen V (Vesterbro): Trendy and more expensive than S, SV, NV and N. Also home to Istedgade with hookers, drugs and trendy café
Copenhagen N (Nørrebro): Multicultural with quite a lot of students, workers and immigrants. If you avoid the small ghettoes around places like Blågårds Plads and Mjølnerparken, it's relatively peaceful and one of the cheaper places.
Copenhagen Ø (Østerbro): Posh and expensive. Nice, quite.
Copenhagen S (Amager): Should be quite cheap as well. Mostly workers and students.
Copenhagen SV & NV: Workingclass and cheap.
(Anywhere it says 'cheap' above should be taken with a grain of salt - It's Copenhagen after all...)Is her internship part of some kind of education under University of Copenhagen or similar? They have offices that help foreign students find a place to live.
Would a dormroom be a possibility? The dorms have subletting offices you could contact. I can find some for you, if you'd like.
If she's looking for a regular sublet apartment, she could try dba.dk (More specifically: http://www.dba.dk/boliger/lejebolig/lejelejlighed/antalvaerelser-1/reg-koebenhavn/?antalvaerelser=2 ). There'll be some classifieds in English...
A 1 bedroom flat will probably cost around 500£ a month - Maybe a little less. I've just moved into a 600 sq/ft apartment in the southern part of Copenhagen S and I pay a little more than 500£.
Living in Copenhagen isn't cheap. I think it rates as the most or the second most expensive town in the world. -
• #3
you cant get a one bed in london for £500
• #4
Heya Jesper! Thanks for the lowdown facts, super appreciate it. My internship is with an international organization they have given some places to look around but were very general on it. Though they will answer any questions I have. I am grinding my teeth on it because i am going back home this monday. I will get to London on the 7th of march which gives me one week to pack my belongings and fly to Copenhagen and start my job on the 14th.
I second Jv, it is impossible to find a one bedroom flat in London for £500 a month, it just not happens. A recently refurbished flat in central London is about £400 a week. If you are lucky you might find one that is a little run down at £300 a week. Obviously we are not talking covent garden cuz the prices there shoots up to probs £500 a week and it might not be a one bedroom but a studio.
I know Copenhagen is much more expensive than London, but I have been looking at places to live and they don't seem bad to me honest (rent wise). Obviously I do not know how much bills are supposed to be like water, electricity and internet (tax?) Is water and electricity monthly?
Thanks a lot for your help!!!!!
• #5
I have a contact who has rooms here:
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=copenhagen&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Copenhagen,+Denmark&gl=uk&ll=55.686893,12.530755&spn=0.00358,0.011019&t=h&z=17 -
• #6
Copenhagen is awesome and made of win. I really liked Norrebro. Although some people would describe it as 'rough', it's still much nicer than most of the working/middle-class parts of London.
Also: Norrebro Bryghus FTW.
• #7
+1 CPH is the most fun town ever, clubs bars are great, day life is great, everything is absolutely perfect. But it comes at a price.
• #8
My ex lived in Amager for 6 months a few years ago. It was a bit further out and quite empty. Loads of construction work was going on. Getting into the centre was pretty easy though. The subway is brilliant. Her friends who cycled found it even easier. They racked up quite a few fines though.
• #9
Heya Jesper! Thanks for the lowdown facts, super appreciate it. My internship is with an international organization they have given some places to look around but were very general on it. Though they will answer any questions I have. I am grinding my teeth on it because i am going back home this monday. I will get to London on the 7th of march which gives me one week to pack my belongings and fly to Copenhagen and start my job on the 14th.
I second Jv, it is impossible to find a one bedroom flat in London for £500 a month, it just not happens. A recently refurbished flat in central London is about £400 a week. If you are lucky you might find one that is a little run down at £300 a week. Obviously we are not talking covent garden cuz the prices there shoots up to probs £500 a week and it might not be a one bedroom but a studio.
I know Copenhagen is much more expensive than London, but I have been looking at places to live and they don't seem bad to me honest (rent wise). Obviously I do not know how much bills are supposed to be like water, electricity and internet (tax?) Is water and electricity monthly?
Thanks a lot for your help!!!!!
Water is often included in the rent, electricity, gas and heat is payed yearly, but often included in sublets.
The metro and S-trains covers most of the city, but you can ride from one end of the city to the other in half an hour give or take. You could try asking further questions on Fixie-King.dk/forum - Users are mostly from Copenhagen. -
• #10
PM "Lolo"
• #11
She's safe and sound in Copenhagen, got a 1 bedroom flat for £500 a months right smack band in the centre of Copenhagen, furnished with bill included.
I'd says that a good value.
Do anyone know of a reputable bicycle shop that I can contact? I need to send her dutch bike to Copenhagen, and it would be a good idea to send it to a bike shop that they can put together for her when it arrived.
• #12
You're sending a Dutch bike from London to a Peruvian woman living in Copenhagen?
When I was a kid this is what the newspapers said the future would be like. -
• #13
Except there would be hover-cars too.
• #14
Congratulations on the flat. The only bicycle shop I use is Track Bike Shop in Rantzausgade, but I don't think they see to many dutch bikes ;) They could probably still help you out, though. They have a bike mechanic from NZ who runs the shop monday, thursday and friday, if you wanted to give them a call:
Track Bike Shop ApS
Rantzausgade 2
2200 KBH N
Phone: (+45) 32 11 69 12
mail: info@trackbikeshop.com -
• #15
If you're looking for a regular bikeshop, I'd look at http://www.bedoemmelse.dk/koebenhavn/cykelhandlere.html - Reviews of bikeshops in Copenhagen...
Edit: Where in Copenhagen is she located
• #16
Except there would be hover-cars too.
no hover cars in Copenhagen..i am disappoint :(
• #17
She's safe and sound in Copenhagen, got a 1 bedroom flat for £500 a months right smack band in the centre of Copenhagen, furnished with bill included.
I'd says that a good value.
Do anyone know of a reputable bicycle shop that I can contact? I need to send her dutch bike to Copenhagen, and it would be a good idea to send it to a bike shop that they can put together for her when it arrived.
sell that one here send over the money ?? buy a hover car
• #18
She's living in the south of Osterbro, which apparenty is the post and expensive part, her place of work is near Kastellet, an easy 3km commute.
Also, she managed to get her bike (like mine, a retrovelo) for a good price in London, so selling it and buying it again in Copenhagen would cost her even more than sending one over, especially with the price increase (6500kr, £754), of which she paid less than that.
• #19
fair enough didn't think that the prices were so hiked up over there if its cheeper to ship good luck, i thought that good city bikes would be cheeper there than here. good luck with the move
• #20
Some are cheaper, some are exclusive, like the Retrovelo.
Originally intended to send her lightweight english track bike, but it's not exactly a convenience bike for Copenhagen.
• #21
Bikes in copenhagen..... will get stolen. My brother lives there and is on his 4th in 5 years, mind you they don't usually lock them up to the same standard we do here.
• #22
Ah the City of Cyclists - hark at this awful video
- Copenhagen, Denmark - 'City of Cyclists' Music Video[/ame]When they played it at the Hammersmith Cycling Film Festival it seemed to be the longest 3 minutes and 24 seconds of my life.
• #23
I like that it's produced by the council and still shows quite a lot of trafficviolations. Whoever chose the music should be ashamed, though...
• #24
Fuck me, Coca Cola taste awesome here!
I am so loving the lack of traffic on the main road, even during rush hour, it's quite obvious that there's not many cars because they all ride a bike to work, and because there's not many car, drivers aren't going fast due to no traffic jam and whatnot.
man it's so nice to see cars strolling by on a huge but almost empty road.
• #25
Funny how different things can seem to a foreigner :)
Since the missus is moving to Copenhagen, she have not much time to figure out what's a reasonable rent is for a studio/1 bed flat, area to live in (equative of hackney, west london, covent garden etc.).
Can anyone shed some light in this? she's pulling her hair trying to figure out a big move to Copenhagen this March for a 6 month internship