I wanted a BMX. I bought a cheap secondhand complete BMX. Fucked rear wheel somehow when removing pegs - doesn't turn properly, I think it needs a cone wrench to fix it, but I've had enough already, got too little time to take on a project, however small this would actually be.
It is black (rattlecanned).
It is heavy.
It has original debatably shit Huffy parts.
I put a couple of stickers on it so it looks more awesome.
I will throw in the socket wrench bits to put the pegs back on, and the rear brake
clarification bump: this is still available - lots of dibs but still nobody actually buying. if you want, dibs in this thread and pm please, collection preferably tonight. cheers!
I wanted a BMX. I bought a cheap secondhand complete BMX. Fucked rear wheel somehow when removing pegs - doesn't turn properly, I think it needs a cone wrench to fix it, but I've had enough already, got too little time to take on a project, however small this would actually be.
Here are some pictures.
It is black (rattlecanned).
It is heavy.
It has original debatably shit Huffy parts.
I put a couple of stickers on it so it looks more awesome.
I will throw in the socket wrench bits to put the pegs back on, and the rear brake
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