• #2
happy bumming ben.
• #3
Get in touch here http://www.hardcourtbikepolo.nl, you should visit Eindhoven to, 30minute drive from Antwerp! Or we are coming that way then..
• #4
Plans are pretty much up in the air and nothing is firm as of yet. When do you guys play? Which days and time?
• #5
We in Eindhoven play on Wednesday and Sundays, I don't know when the Antwerp and Brussel guys play. Maybe you can contact them on facebook: (antwerp)http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000338380255
• #6
Need a light and foldable bike bag, any DIY solution will be good too! Got one, but not foldable and not too light... Can collect from SE/NE, will be at SE polo tomorrow if it helps... Thanks!
• #7
go and get a big laundry bag ben, that'll do the trick
• #8
Laundry bag, nice one MAX! Thanks for the suggestion!
Will be in Brussels/Antwerp this end of the month 25-30th and would be nice to get a game or two (or even more if possible!!!) during my short stay. Will be based in Antwerp (bumming with my friend) and will make the travel down the Brussels if the games are there instead of Antwerp.
Already sent an email to Brussel's bike polo peeps, still awaiting reply and if anyone from the European capital is reading this please do get in touch. Thanks very much!
p/s: Really only have to be in Antwerp on 28-30th hence 25th-late 28th is supposed to be polo time :)
Need a light and foldable bike bag, any DIY solution will be good too! Got one, but not foldable and not too light... Can collect from SE/NE, will be at SE polo tomorrow if it helps... Thanks!