• #2
Will you swap for some old rope?
• #3
whats the size ? ie how long is it ?
• #4
I'm knot interested
• #5
I've got some genuine stringarello if you want to trade?
• #6
Are you in the right thread?
• #7
Frayed? Tangled? Sellotape included?
• #8
whats the size ? ie how long is it ?
Twice the distance from the middle to the end.
• #9
Frayed? Tangled? Sellotape included?
I'm a frayed knot.
• #10
I've got a theory about this
• #11
I've got a theory about this
Stuck in a loop?
• #12
Got some brass? I've got enough strings.
• #13
• #14
Go to bed.
• #15
Are you stringing us along, and other assorted string puns?
• #16
I'm having a ball reading this thread.
• #17
It might be taken, just had a pm from Michael Hessian.
• #18
This seems like a good thread to have a nice yarn.
• #19
I think it might all unravel, after the first few puns I filament al block coming on.
• #20
I know I've been out of the loop, but are you trying to wind me up?
• #21
You're best not getting entwined in this piece of 'oakum
• #22
No need to get crochetty with me, sonny
• #23
Sorry, i would reply to this thread but I am currently tied up
• #24
To the OP: It gets on my wick when people try to pull the wool over our eyes, but we've cottoned on to what you're up to, and far from fleecing us we're going to pull the rug from under you, you knit.
• #25
^ That man really knows how to string a sentence together
As above really.