• #2
I have one that clamps onto a bench (as opposed to bolted down, so it's moveable)?
• #3
thanks but would prefer a bolt-down
• #4
No problemo. So would I but I was renting when I bought it. :)
• #5
you were renting your table??
• #6
Yes. You've not heard of fully-furnished rentals?
• #7
oh ok, yes sure :-)
it's just very unusual for me (I am from berlin originally, you wouldn't find that over there) -
• #8
there's Miami Vice ........
• #9
yup have a NOS one in my shed
looks kind of like this
• #10
this looks more like a woodworking vice?
• #11
i have one like you need. the anvil is cracked. im in manchester
• #12
I've just bought a vice from here, cost 26.90 incl.delivery. The jaws aren't massive but depends what you're looking for. It's a decent vice.[B][B]VICE 4" swivel vices metalwork engineers
Long shot, I know,
but anyone having a bench vice for sale? Doesn't have to be huge, just a normal steel vice.
Let me know,