• #2
Just put them in the dishwasher.
And before everyone tells you that they will melt/curl up/start a war/bring the universe to a close, mine are fine after 5 years and about 10 washes.
• #3
Put them on the window ledge outside the office - fresh air and no pigeons. Win/win.
Seriously though, put an in-car magic tree in each and that should freshen them up a treat.
• #4
Will that dry them out too? That's what my issue was today.
• #5
Will that dry them out too? That's what my issue was today.
Nope. Get some covers if you don't want them getting wet. No other option.
That said, if you are lucky enough to work somewhere with CRT monitors, pop 'em on the top works a treat. Terrible day when then they brought in flat screen where I used to work. Those and gloves - had to use the blow dryer in the gents. Tedious. With the monitors, the stench from 0800-1100 meant I got clean uninterrupted desk time, as no one dared walk into my office.
• #6
put them in a mesh bag, into washing machine, lowest temp, slowest spin or no spin if you can, and a little washing powder.
• #7
fill them with bicarb of soda crystals [not the fine stuff] that tends to de- odourify them
• #8
@BDW - were you a stuntman on "True Romance"? The only reason I ask is because there's a Big Daddy Wayne in the end credits and was wondering if it was you.
Sorry to derail the thread.
• #9
he was. it's true.
• #10
I've read that isopropyl alcohol is good at deodorising shoes, but I would expect it to be good at dissolving glue too - has anyone tried?
I think mine are going to go for a spin in the washing machine this weekend - we'll see what that does.
• #11
I've read that isopropyl alcohol is good at deodorising shoes,
Right into the category of "how would anyone know, and why would you risk it?"
• #12
Wash your cycling shoes? What manner of fuckery is this?
It will piss rain within 3 days of you washing any cycling kit. Fact.
If I have some around, I stuff my shoes full of newspaper to dry them. That's about as far as it goes.
• #13
This from the man that calls his outer wear "stench jacket of doom"
• #14
This is true. My shoes don't stink though (fuck knows why - that jacket is hideous).
• #15
Right into the category of "how would anyone know, and why would you risk it?"
Pretty much what I thought, but the internet says it does so who am I to disagree?
(original link: http://ipv6.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en-GB&q=isopropyl+alcohol+shoes&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8)
• #16
Channel bottle my sweat after distilling it, luckily enough.
• #17
Have you tried sweating into the same cheap jacket, stored in a plastic bag all day, for 4 months without washing it? Channel might not be so keen then.
• #18
Time to market that unique Board fragrance methinks.
• #19
I can't throw my jacket out and buy a new one.. it has a half life of 216,000 years.
• #20
Sell it to Iran to generate electricity with?
• #21
Sell it to North Korea as a new WMD?
• #22
I'm liking these options. I have new power at home.. maybe I could cut the provider out of the loop and power my own home?
• #23
I have new power at home..
This is how I imagine you at home
• #24
Only one screen? Pfft
• #25
I take that back...
More this
so they are starting to be a tad too funky to have hanging around the office and all that. i read stuff about 'don't was them in the machine' and 'don't use detergent' and even read all the amazing puns when a sidi was machine washed on the forum.
so, anyone got any tips?