• #2
If the way these were placed in the road means anything they must have had a head on collision on the left side of the road (meaning the motorbike was way out of his lane).
Isn't there a pedestian crossing there? Assuming that you are right the what the fuck was the motorcyclist doing so far over - it's wide along that stretch.
hope the mystery cyclist is ok.
• #3
Oh dear. Thanks for the report.
I walked past there twice earlier today.
• #4
Could one of the riders have been pulling out of or into Mansford St?
Seems like the only reasonable scenario.
Hope they are both OK.
• #5
I passed as they were putting the cyclist in the ambulance. I asked a policewoman what happened and she said it was a "young lad" (I'm guessing 16/17 from what I saw) and he "just shot out into the road and the motorcyclist hit him". I don't know how reliable that is or anything beyond that. Hope he's OK.
• #6
It has been a bit more than a week since I started this thread. Then today about 18:30pm there was another collision at pretty much the same spot. This time between a motorcyclist and a car, so not really for this forum. But still....
Motorcyclist badly hurt but alive when I passed. Police and ambulances at the scene etc.
Just passed the scene. Hackney Road close to where it crosses Mansford Road, i.e. near the eastern end of it.
White (?) mountainbike in the road and a black motorbike. If the way these were placed in the road means anything they must have had a head on collision on the left side of the road (meaning the motorbike was way out of his lane). No victims at the scene when I passed at 20:30pm. Police did not want to comment on the state of the cyclist when I asked. I'd appreciate if someone could update this thread if they know of the fate of the cyclist. Road blocked in both directions for a few hundred meters in both directions, but police were letting cyclist trough.
Stay safe out there folks.