• #2
Oh wow. Sue his ass.
• #3
Fucking hell! Is this the bike you had "nicked" not so long ago??
I assume police were called etc. Heal well..
• #4
Fucking hell! Is this the bike you had "nicked" not so long ago??
Yes, the very same. Police called, statements given. Have no idea how to follow it up, just having a browse now. Don't really want to take anyone to the cleaners here, I don't like the thought of making anyone financially fucked, but I'm going to have to take a bit of time off after this AND I'll be walking everywhere.
Advice gratefully received...
• #5
Fuck that's so sad. But I'm glad you're not too badly injured.
I would advise a no win no fee claim solicitor .. Perhaps someone out of the back off cycling weekly?? As a member of British cycling the accidents I've had in the past have all been taken care of by their legal team. It's not a case of taking anyone to the cleaners. His insurance will pay. Dangerous driving needs to be accounted for. There is a thread somewhere on here about how to claim.
• #6
Thanks a lot dude, I'm browsing the legal sites right now.
Typing with one finger too, I need a spelling wand. I feel like my old man looks when he's sat in front of a computer.
• #7
Thats horrible mate. Lets be grateful your still here to let us know.
What did this idiot say? sounds like enough to have no remorse in giving it everything you can legally if he wont even admit fault.
Do you have good witness's?
• #8
Heal up dude
• #9
No need to make the other party financially fucked. But if it means you can't work and have no income because of it...
• #10
surely his insurance pays out for this type of thing?
• #11
What to do in case of an accident thread
From your description it sounds like you need to take him to the cleaners, if only for the sake of his next victim. Get what he owes you, which in the eyes of the law is a new bike and compensation for the serious injuries he has caused you.
• #12
^ amen to that
• #13
Heal up mate sounds pretty nasty. Who shouts at someone bleeding on the floor?
• #14
I agree totally. If he gets away with it what message does it send to him and others like him? especially as he has clearly shown no remorse so far.
• #15
Heal up mate sounds pretty nasty. Who shouts at someone bleeding on the floor?
Someone worried that they might have killed a cyclist acting out of shock I guess. Or a bald faced cunt?
• #16
Were you wearing a helmet?
I bet this turns into one of those 'But he wasn't wearing a helmet so I cant be held accountable for his injuries' defence pleas.What a wanker
• #17
Advice from solicitors Mayo Wynne Baxter is:
- Keep a diary of how injuries have affected you
- Take photos of wounds developing
- Get doctors note
- Contact witnesses
- Write a letter to yourself detailing exactly what happened
- Keep a record of any expenses - medication, hospital travel etc
I wasn't wearing a helmet, needless to say - I don't like the thought that he could wriggle out of it that way.
Thanks for everyone's input. The guy has reported it to his insurers so I'm about to get out of bed and photograph my buckled frame and send the pics over together with my estimation of the value of the complete bike. I take it I'm doing the right thing.
- Keep a diary of how injuries have affected you
• #18
If you need a full quotation on headed paper, let me know...
• #19
Fuckin dibs Harv.
• #20
Surely all a lack of helmet could negate is any head injuries? frame write-off and damge to the rest of your body wouldn't have been stopped by any helmet that I know of!
• #21
Yes I googled massive helmet
It's not the law to wear a helmet so I don't see that it should be negated at all.
• #22
Helmet does not make a difference. Sure, it could (an can) save injuries (and lives) but it is not law.
• #23
I couldn't see anything in the accident thread about helmets. It seems be much more to do with negligence and who is at fault in the manouvre. I remember giving a statement when I'd seen a moped hit by a car whilst it was making a right turn. The ruling was that the moped was not speeding excessively and had a working front light (it was night time) therefore any car crossing it's carriageway was obliged not to block it's path.
It sounds very similar to yours. If you are travelling down a carriageway and the other vehicle is crossing your path, it's their obligation to give you space, you have right of way. Is this the case? Try and write an account of it clearly stating how who was crossing who's carriageway.
• #24
And draw a diagram of the road "as the accident happened"..
• #25
Here's my 'statement' of what's happened so far:
On Sunday 12th September at approximately 4pm I was cycling along the Western Road towards Hove. It was a clear afternoon and the visibility was very good.
I stopped for the red light at the junction of Montpellier Road and Western Road. When the light changed I proceeded across. I saw a white car in the middle of the road indicating to cross my lane and turn down Temple Street, which is one way. Since the driver was clearly waiting in the middle of the road and indicating, I continued onwards as it was my right of way.
Suddenly the driver pulled out across my path. Leaving me no time to react, brake or avoid him, my bike struck the nearside of his car approximately by the front wheel. I was thrown onto his windscreen where my head cracked the screen and my momentum took me over the bonnet where my head and neck struck the road.
I lay on the road cradling my head to check for injuries. I felt blood and instant swellings. The driver exited the car and began to berate me for my road conduct. Despite my clear injuries I took exception to this and stood up to inform him that it had been my right of way and that he should not have been turning.
At this point several witnesses joined in, informing the driver that in their opinion he should not have turned in. Some of them insisted that I sit back down since I was clearly injured, and I followed their advice, removing my shirt because it was new that day and I did not want to bleed all over it.
A witness called the paramedics and the police. The paramedics turned up first and checked me up in the back of the ambulance. I refused to go to hospital because I was shaken up and full of adrenaline and wanted to go home and lie down. While I was in the ambulance the police turned up and I believe that they took statements from the driver and from two witnesses, both of whom gave me their names and contact details.
After confirming all my details my partner, who had since arrived on the scene, helped me walk back home, which is 500 yards further down the road. She pushed my broken bike for me. At home she treated my injuries with saline solutions and iodine.
The following day I went on public transport to hospital where I was further checked up. I was advised that I had ligament damage to my left hand, which has been splinted. I was advised to take time off work and to rest my head and to watch for concussion. I returned home and spent the rest of the day in bed.
Today I feel very woozy and am finding it hard to concentrate on my sentences and words. I have remained in bed all day since my shoulders and neck are very painful and my head hurts a great deal when I try to walk.
Tomorrow I plan to visit my GP for further checks.
Peddling merrily along Western Road just past Montpellier Junction yesterday afternoon at 4pm, opposite Temple Bar, heading towards Hove.
Car waiting in the middle of the road in the opposite direction indicating to cross the road and turn in. He waited until I was 2 metres in front of him and then went, giving me no chance.
My fat head smashed his windscreen and I flipped right over the top, over the bonnet and cracked my skull on the road.
So: deformed huge swelling and cuts to the head, broken glass and grazing down the back, bruising to the pelvis and hips, ligament damage to the left knee, ligament damage to the ring finger of my left hand - a bad one for me as a musician.
Worst of all - bent seat stay and front fork, buckled Deep V. Frame is therefore a gonner. Not proud to say that I did a little tear in my eye when I found that out. It's hard to lose your first built. Really hope I can get some insurance money off the guy. He had the nerve to criticise me while I was on the floor, foetal, clutching my bloody head. Dickpile.
Point being - Brighton riders please be careful on this junction. I know of two other people who've been taken out here and my girlfriend almost got hit here 2 weeks ago.
Ride safely peeps!