• #2
Congrats on the job J!
Can't be there tonight but will def have to drop in sometime for cakes! -
• #3
can i come over tomorrow around 10am for free cupcakes?
I need them for our 10.30 tea break at work. I'll bring some flyers back to my work if you want and you might get customers or something, whatever, i just want free cakes.
• #4
can't do tonight, in PJ bums already.
• #5
Maybe not the best way to start off a week long trial rupert.... You can come ponce some cupcakes later in the month maybe...
• #6
Oh darn! Missed it. Well just got home...
Nice work on the job Julia!
Great news.oh and ps....can you ask if the orwell has my all black cardigan?
Just has a size label and nothing else.Was just one of the items I took off in there that night!...
• #7
Well done! You totally deserve it - that cake you brought last night was amazing. Cake + Lager FTW!
• #8
nice! .. i also know now the source of the cupcake i munched covered in dolly mixture at the Lopen.
• #9
booyah, congrats!! nice part of town as well.
Orwell for pints to celebrate the new job and all of you getting fatter off cupcakes! 8.30?