• #2
Yo, I can knock these together for you. You haz parts already?
• #3
I could help in Kew
Dishing tool and tensiometer would be used
• #4
I could help in Kew
Dishing tool and tensiometer would be used
"DJ - I can haz tension"
[is this funny? If not, sory for wasting your time]
• #5
I do have the hubs and rims already, hubs = Miche Primato, rims = some nice french Wolber Profil TX, anyone of you have a clue about their ERD? As I would like to go and buy spokes.
Or does one of you already have a good selection of spokes so I don't need to go and buy them?
• #6
How many spokes do you need?
64 or 72?
• #7
Can I put my oar in too? In Earls Court. No haz tensionmeter, haz ears.
• #8
How many spokes do you need?
64 or 72?
oh, forgot to say:
28h rims and hubs, so it's 56
• #9
ERD on the Wolber TX is 602, no eyelets though so maybe get a more experienced builder to knock 'em up for you...
• #10
ERD on the Wolber TX is 602, no eyelets though so maybe get a more experienced builder to knock 'em up for you...
ok, who of you feels experienced enough for this challenge?
• #11
Me. What's your timeframe. No haz spokes.
• #12
I'm not offering my services. Just giving you some advice.
What pattern are you thinking of?
• #13
This will determine your spoke length. A good builder will be able to consult with you on what would be best.
• #14
Just the standard stuff (two cross), maybe radial at front
• #15
Ok so 3 cross at the rear and a radial front?
• #16
You want 2 cross at the rear on non-eyeleted rims? How much do you weigh?
• #17
75 kgs ... too much?
• #18
Not really but I'd avoid 2 cross if running 28 holes and had limited truing abilities.
What do your 3 volunteering builders (Cheesecake Intl, Dancing James and 36x18) suggest, just out if interest?
• #19
3 cross. Both ends.
• #20
What is that?
• #21
What is that?
3 cross crows foot?
• #22
I'd like to have a bit more classic/standard look?
3 cross. Both ends.
• #23
3 cross seems to be the most common build and is what i would feel most comfortable doing
• #24
Thanks everyone for offering your help, I decided to go with 36x18 as he is very close to where I live.
And yes, normal 3 cross will be the way to go. Was just confused by the crow lacing image.
• #25
Watch out that he does not build your wheel with wooden spokes and rim and a solid rubber tyre!
Met him last week, he's a proper bike geek so should do a good job
someone doing wheel building in west/central London? Will pay up to 30 for my set.
Truing stand and dishing stick = yes please.