• #2
Still after a pair of these. Anyone?
• #3
You only need one. I have a spare. Drop me a PM.
• #4
Why do you only need one? It's a lot easier with 2 right?
I'm after 2 fat chain tugs if anyone haz? -
• #5
Drive side only, J...
• #6
• #7
Im after 1 MKS fat chain tug like these http://www.hubjub.co.uk/mks/mks.htm
• #8
I've got a pair of Genetic chain tugs (http://www.geneticbikes.com/products-details.php?prod=CHGETT1B) if anyone wants them. £8, not sure whether they're the right size though.
• #9
I have a used, single, fat MKS available.
• #10
Pm'd you Hippy
• #11
Dick move ^
I'm interested Hippy, if I don't get gazumpped.
I will neg rep gazzumpers, justsayin'
• #12
Still looking, this one broke :(
These do not make good key rings apparently.
• #13
It broke? What happened?
• #14
Yeah, the bolt snapped clean off. She said it could have been her as it was in her as it was on her keyring for a few days, so who knows.
Had to saw it off the axle though. Fun times. -
• #15
I've snapped one of the smaller ones during a mid-p_nct_re-rage but they seemed ok normally. Done up too tight or done up after the axle had been bolted down perhaps?
• #16
Yeah right, they're pretty sturdy. I know she's a strapping Aussie lass, but I'm sure it was applied correctly.
Does seem a bit odd, so I'll investigate further. -
• #17
I did twiddle it about before I handed it over and it was spinnin' ok then but let me know..
Looking for a pair of 8mm (fat) MKS chain tugs. If you've got one or two to offer please give me a shout.