• #2
"you wanna sell that frame?"
• #3
If you're up for it, I suppose I could let you have a ride on my bike... but I should warn you... my gear ratio is big, hard and fast.
• #4
usually i have to throw my bike into a nearby bush to get any chatting up done.
• #5
• #6
My frame is black and stiff. I am white and impotent.
• #7
Oh, good grief. Ignored.
• #8
"why yes, this is a 110mm stem.. i have a bigger one at home, you understand"
• #9
Oh, good grief. Ignored.
Nice tattoo, it's Latin isn't it, what does it say?
• #10
Nice bike, fancy a shag?
• #11
Nice bike, could you sort out my sticking gears? Cheers love, I'll be round the corner in the pub, I'll get you a glass of tap water if you need it, just ask. No no, it's on me.
• #12
you can ring my bell anytime (groan.........)
• #13
Do you chrome here often?
• #14
You don't sweat much for a nodder. Get your dlock, you've pulled.
• #15
love that one^repped
• #16
Why would a. need too and b. want to chat up a bike.?
Thread rated 1*
• #17
Your back end looks a bit wobbly, would you like me to play with you rim? I might need to twist your nipples a bit too.
• #18
"I don't need brakes, baby. If you levers, you'll brake my heart."
I went home alone.
On the bus.
• #19
Your back end looks a bit wobbly
That's the winner. I'm stealing that for the Tweed Run.
• #20
I just hope this is not outside the schools or in the park after school that you lot are using these lines........
• #21
Anyone who shows proof of actually pulling using one of the lines on this thread will get given a pint of their chosen ale and a sack of spuds from me.
• #22
Do you want to see my (chain) ring? You can touch it if you want - it's very smooth and shiny.
if you do touch it you'd best wash you hands after as it's covered in grease. It needs to be well lubricated before use.
• #23
Anyone who shows proof of actually pulling using one of the lines on this thread will get given a pint of their chosen ale and a sack of spuds from me.
I'm about to be a father, my pick up line (literally) was "would you like
a piggy back"...That's a line on this thread that's worked, I'll have me spudds thank you :)
• #24
'Your saddle smells lovely'
NB: it is best to do the sniffing whilst the owner is not around, doing it in front of them tends to freak them out
• #25
Anyone who shows proof of actually pulling using one of the lines on this thread will get given a pint of their chosen ale and a sack of spuds from me.
the challenge is on. Let the awkward stops at traffic lights commence.
let me kick this off with a a controversial quote:
Originally Posted by maxcrowe -
Nice bike, why the bar angle?