• #2
aand here we go again, just after/before You admitted that You were justifiedly called out on making these little threads..
get the small bitsn
bobs into one For-sale thread please or I´d imagine someone will come along and call "spam".BTW, mc_nebula`s point was a good one.
• #3
Cross posted from the original for clarity. Thanks Jaanus
HighlandPro, have you thought about making a donation to the running costs of this website? It costs a significant amount to run and host the forum, and considering that you have made between £2500 and £3000 worth of sales within the last few weeks, I would ask that you consider making a donation to the forum. This can be done here: http://www.lfgss.com/payments.php
Thank you.
• #4
i will soon i promise .
*These STi levers are still for sale u can but the levers £11 pounds each and £3 postage *
*there are 2 right durace STi,9 speed levers. and 2 left STi levers 1 (105,10) and other (tiagra 9) the brake levers are perfect but the gears sticks thanks *
Right Dura Ace Brake Lever and Left 105 Brake Lever
Gear levers dont work, but make very very good brake levers