• #2
Slating Poms.
• #3
Dammit, if I cannot relate to any of those, where should I go?
Winston Churchill - unbearable reactionary imperialist drunk
Umbrellas - should be banned for short people and useless on bikes.
Pork Pies - loathe that jelly stuff and everything else about them.
Spain for a holiday? No thanks
Drinking? Not me. -
• #4
Moaning about.....well, everything really...
• #5
Dammit, if I cannot relate to any of those, where should i go?
• #6
- Winston Churchill
- The Pork Pie
- The Umbrella
- Binge drinking
- Going on holiday to Spain (the last two may be related)
- bad punning
(see above)
- Winston Churchill
• #7
Bad punning? Germany surely
• #8
slating the rosbifs -
• #9
They're rubbish, aren't they Vee?
• #10
slating the rosbifs
Burning sheep
Going on strike
Using less soap per capita than any other European country
Having a dwarf for President.
• #11
slating the rosbifs
Burning sheep
Going on strike
Using less soap per capita than any other European country
Having a dwarf for President
cheating. -
• #12
Slating Poms.being over here.
whining. -
• #13
- Winston Churchill
- The Pork Pie
- The Umbrella
- Binge drinking
- Going on holiday to Spain (the last two may be related)
- bad punning
- hate the French
- Winston Churchill
• #14
Slating Poms.being over here.
whining.Its not whining if the British items you are referring to are genuinely shit... which they invariably are.
• #15
One million pounds says that Balki is about to start whinging about British Fish and Chips.
• #16
or gallipoli.
• #17
it's a shit film, and he'd be right to moan about it. mel gibson is toss.
• #18
The irony.
• #19
- Irn Bru
- Buckfast
- Sausage Suppers
- Tennents Super
- Going on holiday to Butlins (the last two may be related)
- Using the word Cunt interchangeably as a Noun or Verb
- Irn Bru
- Irn Bru
• #20
- poutine! (google it.)
- lager
- hockey
- snow and ice
- tim horton's (google it.)
- poutine! (google it.)
• #21
the discussion i was having was more to do with people from your country thinking you weren't very pommy/skippy/froggy if you didn't like things.
i don't like the idea that another whole thread of vitriol is going to be on my shoulders...:)
[edit - that's probably what dammit meant anyway]
• #22
- poutine! (google it.)
- lager
- hockey
- snow and ice
- tim horton's (google it.)
Ending every sentance with "Eh?"
- poutine! (google it.)
• #23
One million pounds says that Balki is about to start whinging about British Fish and Chips.
Actually, I had my first acceptabe fish and chips in this country down in brighton recently. Still dont really dig on deep fried fish but it was very tasty and in crisp, light batter.
Having said that, it was about 4am and when I was done I polished off the styrofoam packaging.
• #24
- Pies
- Whippets
- Flat caps
- Flat ale
- Trouble at mill
- Going to foot of t'stairs
- Pies
• #25
whatever happen to the topic when we're just talking about Peter Sellers? it disappear.
Following on from BRM's idea in the thread that never was:
There are things that you have to like for reasons of national pride/character.
So for example Australians have to like pie's in pea soup and kangaroo's (this may need editing).
Name your nation and your list.
I'll go first: