• #2
Can't wait for my spin on the decks. It's gonna be better than dj vodka redbull vs dj jager redbull @ zoo!
• #3
get me a mexican wrestling mask and i'll get the vinyl out!
• #4
i don't mind playing for a little bit sometime..i have some ne records too..
• #6
mebbe suggest to that certain manager that its time for christmas cheer, and lose of income (someone has to drink their cheapest beer) or that you desparately need the help...
a jason mask would be preferable.
• #7
Kendo Nagasaki FTFW
• #8
the famous jason cattermole? a mask? that would be awesome..
• #9
More like this.Hello everyone!
• #10
hello.. x
• #11
whose protein is that deposited under your armpit ness?
hey JC!!! good to see youre still stalking mcr bruv!
• #12
who's going tonight?
• #13
I'm setting off in a bit
I know some of you drink at the Sandbar, and I know that some of you know that I play records there a couple of times a month, or something like that. All pretty vague...
Not now: http://www.zeroplusone.co.uk is the new official website for you to check out and write rude things in the comments.
As you can tell, I'm trying to big this thing up a bit (just a bit)...