• #2
Paint + Paintbrush + tray + 10 minutes work = deposit back
• #3
paint the carpet?
• #4
ahh, skim reading ftl
• #5
In future do your matinence/dirty bike stuff in a prepared area or some where that greese isn't a problem.
Have you tried red wine yet?
• #6
Citrus juice cuts through grease.
• #7
White spirit, paint thinners, meths ..
• #8
Any reason you can't paint the wall?
• #9
It's Rosé for bicycle oil.
i find white is most effective
• #10
right so I've mixed up some Rosé with some paint thinner... the wall's no better off but I'm pretty sure I'm having a stroke. Send ambulance.
• #11
PS Dov. Would it work if I used a 7up?
• #12
i find white is most effective
nah its port for grease, white is for battery acid!
• #13
Put chewing gum on it and then freeze it with some ice cubes. It will lift right off.
Also, delete system 32.
• #14
Put chewing gum on it and then freeze it with some ice cubes. It will lift right off.
Also, delete system 32.
perhaps a reboot as well? mmmm
• #15
PS Dov. Would it work if I used a 7up?
No you silly boy it won't.
Seriarse though all degreasers contain citrus juice in some form or another. Try squeezing the clear juice from an orange and a lemon and washing the wall with it. £10 says it works.
• #16
move house
• #17
fucking 7up?
that is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. -
• #18
Innit. Tab Clear, now that's a different story.
• #19
hang a picture over it
• #20
crystal meth
• #21
Vanish carpet stian remover is meant to be good
• #22
stain even
• #23
attack it with a rubber, as in the type you use to erase pencil. works great but can take some of the paint off if you rub to heard.
• #24
'It was there when I moved in' whilst waving large wrench about and doing your best chopper look..
• #25
You'll run into trouble if it's emulsion, as you'll re-emulsify and the paint will come off / mix with the grease. If it's vinyl, you should be ok with some of the serious suggestions... It's probably emulsion, though.
So why don't you paint over it, as suggested? I would guess it's "magnolia" - all landlords love the stuff.
PS I have the same problem with tyres when I lean bikes against walls.
I got oil/grease/dirt (was changing over drivetrains) on my wall... then:
eek! I've not got any 'Fega but i've tried washin up liquid and vanish carpet spray...
Anyone got any ideas? Serious ones would be nice as I rent and I'm moving soon
double eek!
BenJam x