• #2
maybe it was OOL
• #3
Nahh this guy was wearing leather, not mink.
• #4
Glad youre ok man.
• #5
did you throw any punches at the dude ?
• #6
Pleased to hear youre still alive! (Damnit! :P)
• #7
did you throw any punches at the dude ?
I put my bike down and offered him out, but he decided to carry on driving, a few strong words were exchanged, he said what about my mirror, I said fuck your fucking mirror, etc etc.
• #8
Thump them with the business end of your cock.
• #9
Glad youre ok man.
Cheers dude, haven't seen you in ages man, will have to try and make it down to easts sometime soon!
• #10
James, glad your biike is ok and that you are not too badly hurt.
Take care
• #11
Cheers guys, just had to vent as I was pretty pissed off after this incident!
• #12
I saw him moving out
You mean you could have avoided him and didn't? YOU CALL YOURSELF A GO- oh wait, wrong thread.
Nice one CJ, should'a taken a bumper off too without your diamond-hard wheels. Hope your foot gets better soon.
• #13
The contributors to the van appreciation thread shant be too happy about this one...
• #14
should have keyed his van as he rode away
• #15
Ha, clearly you haven't seen James, he took out the mirror, but knowing him he would have keyed or done far worse given chance.
remembers a brick through a car window and a snapped off key in lock -
• #16
I put my bike down and offered him out, but he decided to carry on driving, a few strong words were exchanged, he said what about my mirror, I said fuck your fucking mirror, etc etc.
I like to offer lessons in driving. To the extent of pretending to reach for a business card from my pocket.
Then laugh and ride into the sunset. Lovely.
• #17
You mean you could have avoided him and didn't? YOU CALL YOURSELF A GO- oh wait, wrong thread.
Nice one CJ, should'a taken a bumper off too without your diamond-hard wheels. Hope your foot gets better soon.
I saw him moving out as I was about a foot away from being alongside him, so considering my speed was around 15mph I had the choice of the side of his van or the oncoming traffic.
I made the less lethal choice, reacting as quickly and as best as I could given the situation, the foot is fine thanks, just a little bit bruised :) -
• #18
By the way I didn't go over the handlebars or anything, I kinda managed to get one foot down and kinda bounced off the van and stumbled a bit, thankfully!
• #19
congratulations on a spectacular escape attempt.
• #20
glad your ok mate.
• #21
a real b*stard trick is to hammer in a similar but not right key and then snap it off....... although the chances of carrying both items needs a bad mind !
• #22
Cheers Jonny, how's the face/concussion dude? all ok?
• #23
They called you fritz on all the blogs btw haha!
You're famous dude!
• #24
face is good thanks.
im gutted about the fritz thing my one stab at fame has been ruined by a spelling mistake -
• #25
face is good thanks.
im gutted about the fritz thing my one stab at fame has been ruined by a spelling mistakeHaha I know man, I couldn't stop laughing when I read it, I thought all they had to do was add an L to the end of it to make it really offensive haha.
1-0 to CrazyJames!
To explain..... the inevitable happened (in London), I got taken out by a whitevanman this morning on the way in to get my car.
I was overtaking him in stationary traffic, he decides to indicate a millisecond after deciding that he was going to turn right and try and kill me, luckily I saw him moving out and didn't quite get a full face plant but I did manage to ram his outwardly turned front wheel and take his mirror out with my shoulder, amazingly my shoulder is absolutely fine, but my foot is pretty bruised and I cut my wrist up a tiny bit, other than that i'm fine :)
Oh and the front wheel didn't even come out of true despite ramming his front wheel head on haha!
48 spokes, yeah bitches!!