• #2
dibbelidibs on sewing box thing, bbq too
slightly smaller dibs on armchair, pending girlfriends approval
pm en route
• #3
I love lamp.
(this is not dibs tho)
• #4
I'll take the arm chair if it's still available.
• #5
and the bedside table thing
• #6
i'll happily take the bbq off your hands
woohoo i am going to grill the shit out of every food i can get my hands on...
• #7
i'll happily take the bbq off your hands
woohoo i am going to grill the shit out of every food i can get my hands on...
Seconds on foot thingy please Fresh.
• #9
OP updated (ie, dibbed and collected things removed).
It's bike related cos a fixed gear bike goes passed every 10 seconds.
Here's the flat I'm moving out of up for rent.
Landlady is nice.
it's here...
Selling bits too...
heater (for the not so good) = £10
pink folding table/ breakfast in bed tray thing = £10
DVD/VHS player = £20
chair, ikea table, lamp, coffee table = £5 for 2
Help a brother out!
Collection of course.
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