• #2
we need to get this down with the pedalo folk first, maybe let them join in the water-bourne sausage fest
• #3
After last time. They may not let us have pedalos.
• #4
hehe, i think you might be right
but even a day in the park could be good
• #5
We could make some?
• #6
How about making it a raft race instead....build your own rafts! :)
• #7
Damn you pink!!!
• #8
I'm thinking plastic oil drums, some wood, a lot of rope and let the lashing begin.
• #9
not sure if we'll be allowed on the serpentine, health and safety and all that
• #10
Sorry scott.
• #11
regents park? count me in. what about ocean-going pedalos?
• #12
Hyde Park last time.
Sorry Rocksteady. I didn't mean to be negative about this, it was one of the best days last summer.
• #13
i was suggesting regents...
• #14
wasn't there last time so i didn't realise you guys caused a ruckus, even if there are no pedalos maybe we could still make a day of it with a picnic seeing as we've had so many new members since last summer
• #15
not sure if we'll be allowed on the serpentine, health and safety and all that
I was meaning canal/river.
• #16
Missed the last one so would be keen for a repeat. Pip has a point: maybe the pedalo-keepers or whatever they're called could be got on board? But could just be a health and safety clusterfuck.
• #17
• #18
Nice one RS, I wasn't there last year either so I'm not gonna miss this one . . . !
• #19
Bolloxxxxx! Just checked diary and got (yet another) freaking wedding on that day! Boooo!
• #20
^^^ The look on Fresh's face is priceless ^^^
• #21
What's the dude in the red shirt doing?
• #22
Falling out of his boat trying to stop us having fun :)
• #23
haha! Fail!
• #24
bit of a luke warm start but i'm putting my name down anyway... all are welcome
- RockSteady
- RockSteady
• #25
Ah great I missed this too last year. So I am in !!
- RockSteady
- Stix
- RockSteady
Apparently it's going to be a wicked summer this year so I'm hoping to revive this event seeing as I missed it last time http://www.londonfgss.com/thread8614.html.
Meet at 12pm for a day of Bright times and a picnic on the south side of the two boat houses here.
Just been informed in detail about the pedalo fiasco of 2008 (and they cost £7 per half hour anyway) so the pedalo TT's are off for the mean time. So what I suggest is a great big forum beer and food fest with music, I can bring a tape/cd deck and the bright times folk can supply the mixes.