• #2
I must have just missed it. Hmm.. will await more (hopefully positive) news..
• #3
oh god, i hope he's OK.
• #4
Hope he is ok...
• #5
Any news on this?
• #6
That junction has to be one of the worst.. i don't understand it, is it light jumping by cars/bikes or just too damn big..
has anyone got a camera we could point at that junction for a few mornings just to check the footage. it might help to understand why that junction fails soo fking much!
hope the rider is ok
• #7
I think I saw the aftermath of this a while after 8. There was a very big lorry stopped (kind of in the middle of the road) about 20-30 metres north of Clerkenwell Road and Police vans blocking the road. I didn't see anyone being treated or a bike so I was optimistically hoping that it hadn't been an accident.
I think the lorry was facing south so I guess whatever happened was a short distance before the (Clerkenwell Road) junction
• #8
Fingers crossed for the rider.
Ride safe people
• #9
Good news guys, i've heard from a reliable anonymous source that the rider did not suffer any life changing/ threatening injuries, and that he was ok when taken to hospital to be treated.
• #10
thanks James, hope this is confirmed news
• #11
good news.
• #12
thanks James, hope this is confirmed news
100% confirmed.
• #13
• #14
phew, it sound like those lorry from the construction site on Guildford Road, McGee lorry.
• #15
Speaking of lorries, there was a massive, muddy one bullying everyone off the road yesterday evening around Kings X/Angel. Drove right over a couple of ASLs, and didn't indicate once.
A menace, basically.
• #16
i saw the aftermath of this accident as well. the rider was lying on the road about 30m north of the junction, pretty much in the middle of the road, but I didn't get a good enough look to work out what had happened (to be honest I was a bit afraid to look).
glad the rider is ok.
• #17
does anyone have any more info on this incident?
• #18
thank god - i'd not heard anything more today, for all that fact that i work in a building full of journos...
• #19
That junction has to be one of the worst.. i don't understand it, is it light jumping by cars/bikes or just too damn big..
has anyone got a camera we could point at that junction for a few mornings just to check the footage. it might help to understand why that junction fails soo fking much!
hope the rider is ok
the junction itself I think is a problem because often people will pull into the yellow box to turn and others will pull round them and speed past - if you're on a bike also turning, it's easy to pull out in front of a car that has just rounded a turning vehicle and accelerated into you.
in this case, he was 30m north of the junction so I suspect someone came out of one of the side roads (there's one each side just north of the main junction) too fast.
Leaving work this evening, the south end of St Johns Street just by the junction with Clerkenwell Rd was blocked off by a couple of police vans, while paramedics were tending to a man (I think) lying under a sheet in the middle of the road with cycling shoes on.
I'm hoping that the fact people were tending to him means that he was still alive, but the sheet and grim faces put the fear of god into me.
Given he wasn't actually on the junction, I think someone may have come haring out of Great Sutton St without looking and driven into him, but that's pure speculation.
Ride safe all.
[Edit - dammit, 28/04/09, what year do I think it is?]