• #2
hmm... trendy wank, for trendy wankers. (... where's this shop? How much for the one in the second picture?) Ahem.
• #3
Top end of the lanes (I think). Didn't look at prices. My girfriend liked them, which is weird because she won't let me hang my bike on the wall.
• #4
strange I have never seen these, and interesting to sell them in a city which has a total of around 15 fixed bikes and one unipack? epic market research fail
• #5
15 + 2 when I move there in June. (Fingers crossed)
• #6
These are quite well-known prints. One like 'em was used as the cover for the first The Ride journal. They are by ILoveDust. I couldn't tell you if these are rip-offs or 'official', but it would be interesting to know. They aren't particularly my bag, but they are very good IMHO.
• #7
the middle one was used for a magazine, can't remember which but is a lovely illustration really
• #8
The cover art for The Ride isn't shown above but the middle one was used inside.
• #9
if they are by i love dust then the people who did them all ride . My mate jill works there and they have a wee southsea fixed crew going !
• #10
thats my gazelle lo pro in the second photo
• #11
A copy of the second print is hanging in the cafe at the Castle.
• #13
A copy of the second print is hanging in the cafe at the Castle.
that's what i was just about to say! hah.
• #14
Aren't they just photo's that have been shopped with a cartoon/painted picture tool? I'm not saying they're not good because I really like them, but that would explain why there are 'copies' around. Another possibility is reprints.
I see nothing wrong with art having any type of bike in them. If you like something then why not have in a picture. JimL, I bet you've probably got quite a lot of photo's, whether on your pc, camera or otherwise, of people riding and bikes. What's the difference?
• #15
strange I have never seen these, and interesting to sell them in a city which has a total of around 15 fixed bikes and one unipack? epic market research fail
16 + 3 come June...
• #16
i like the middle one, i'd buy it if it was cheap
• #17
there from the guys at www.ilovedust.com
• #18
she won't let me hang my bike on the wall.
Is that a euphemism?
Don't know if anyone's posted these before. Spotted in a shop window in Brighton. 'Fixie' art. Think it's all going a bit far, what's wrong with just riding the blooody things?
I'm off to buy a mountain bike.
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