• #2
You did the honest thing (maybe not the right thing) in offering to pay for the damage but he shouldn't have been on the road in the first place as he didn't have a valid licence. At the end of the day what goes around comes around and he got what he deserves.
What details does he have of yours as you don't want him hassling you, also was he arrested?
• #3
"SO my question is what should have I done ?"
errr... What should I have done.
that's what.but seriously... seems like you did the honest thing... and more often than not, this case being a great example... your honesty paid off.
• #4
The half hearted escape was probably a bad idea. As soon as he got agro you should have said lets call the police to sort it.
• #5
he has my address
he was let go because the license is road legal but he needs to get it changed so he can get insurance which is why he was so angry I think
hope he doesn't send round some mates!!!!
what should a cyclist do if they damage a car ?
(surly you have to go through the proper channels to arrange payment for any damages, not just on the street) -
• #6
Was he insured?
• #7
"half-heartedly tried to ride away"
There's your mistake. Escape like you mean it!
• #8
I think you're allowed to sort out the damages as you see fit, no? So long as both parties agree? e.g. hand over cash there and then, get estimates and pay for lowest one, etc.?
• #9
Was he insured?
• #10
Ok, so maybe you shouldn't have tried to ride away, but since this guy got aggressive I think it's understandable, if not excusable.
Loads of people are driving in London without the proper documents, tax or insurance, which is why people get aggressive if they're involved in an accident - either because they're convinced it's you who hasn't got insurance or because they haven't got any and are, quite simply, fucked.
That's probably why he got angry and told you it would cost £150 to replace (it wouldn't). Uninsured and unlicenced drivers really do get on my tits. There's no reason for not complying with the law in this area and so they got what they deserved.
• #11
I was told, when I got hit by a car, that the driver is legally obliged to give the cyclist his details but the cyclist has the option not to.
I guess however if you hit him and offered to pay for the damages then that's all you could do, and if he/she gets angry then call the police. As stated above, he should not be on the road without a valid licence or insurance, period! -
• #12
You shouldn't have given out your address.I'd move house if I were you.
This guy sounds like a nutter.He'll put the frighteners on you.
Hope you're gonna be ok. -
• #13
Fuckin' foreigns, send the buggers back!!
• #14
hey my granddad was polish :)
I only mentioned he was foreign as it was a key plot point
• #15
If the driver had had a proper licence (allowing him to seek compencation) he could have asked for money from you. But, not on the spot. He would have to ask, in writing, to have your insurers details to be able to clame (this would be from any home insurence or bike specific insurence. He cant just ask you for money (that is blackmail). If you are not insured (or just want to) you can offer to pay the money out of your own pocket. After that procedure (if you dont offer to pay anything) he can try and take you to the small clames court.
This chap dose sownd like a bit of a nutter. But, you have his details as well. If he threatens you in any way then you can call the police (for what its worth).
• #16
You running away was not as bad as him not having insurance. You know full well he would of scapered had he been at fault...
• #17
Could you have given your work address? That way if someone "sends the boys round" less chance you'd be on your own.
• #18
The whole debate is negated by the fact that he was driving without insurance, a serious offence. Fuck him off in the stingers like shit porn.
• #19
So the driver has no valid insurance ?? well thats a court appearance, 3 points and a fine....
just desserts me thinks .... forget it... the police have his details too... he'd have to be very ignorant indeed to pay a visit...... :)
• #20
Was he insured?
So the Police should have done him for that and confiscated his car unless he had someone that was insured to drive the car for him. Serves him right, Karma.
If he does contact you give him details of an insurance company and ask him to get his insurance company to deal with the claim ;o)))
• #21
Ha ha. This story is great. Plain clothed cops? Just when you need them? No insurance? Ace.
And he'd have to be a right plum to come to your house and torture/murder you.
I love the 'half hearted' escape attempt too. Ha. Where was this? I want to buy the CCTV just to laugh.
• #22
did you whistle as you made your escape? :D
• #23
• #24
hmmm, interesting story. strange turn of events. why did you try to ride off, cos you though he'd lay you out? unlucky for him that he didn't except your original offer.
• #25
why did you try to ride off?
yeah i thought he was either gonna beat me up, take my bike or just march me to a cash point
did you whistle as you made your escape? :D
I just bowed my head and went weak at the knees as I heard the growl of his engine behind me
I really am a wiener
although I never let go of my bike (not that its worth anything except the work I put in to it I love that thing)
sorry this is a bit complicated but i would like some advice from more knowledgeable road users
on the way to work this morning I clipped the back light of a car (it was stationary totally my fault)
I stopped, the guy got out the car and he started shouting at me and told me I would cost at over £150 to replace
I offered my contact details and said I would pay, he said I could be lying and that wasn't good enough
So I said lets move out of the road and talk about it
he got back in his car and I crossed the road
while I was waiting I got really scared and half-heartedly tried to ride away (he was a big guy and very intimidating)
he caught up with me and continued shouting I stopped and he started to wrestle my bike out of my hands
Luckily 3 plain clothes police came to my assistance and asked us to exchange details (credit to them as they were very level headed about the whole thing)
while we exchanged details they ran a check on his foreign license turned out he hadn't got a uk license which he needed as he had been driving in the country since 2003
so I was free to go and he cant claim any money which is nice
SO my question is what should have I done ?
I know what I did was wrong but what would have been the correct course of action ?
I'm not looking for vindication feel free to be as critical as you like